The pasture

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~the boys are both in high school and single. Link POV~

"Come on, link!" Rhett said as he hurried toward the fenced in cow pasture.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I said as I raced to keep up with him.

We finally reached the fence and saw an abundance of cows roaming and grazing.

"Ready to cow tip?" He asked me with a smirk on his face.

"We're total rednecks aren't we?" I asked.

"Shut it. Let's go." He said as he pushed the fence open and grabbed my arm, dragging me after him.

My whole body heated up at the sense of his touch. A tingle rushing through me.

Not now.

I shook out of my thoughts and followed behind him.

It was dark so navigation was dangerous and slow. At any moment we knew we could trip and creat a ruckus that could alert whoever owned this farm that we were here.

We jogged down one side of the fence, deeper into the pasture.

Rhett stopped abruptly and said "that one".

He was pointing at a big cow facing away from us.

We made eye contact without exchanging words. His beautiful grey eyes shone in the moonlight, searching my face for some reaction. It took all my might to not just grab his face and kiss him. Just being in his presence made me giddy and exhilarated. I got up from my crouched position, turned to face Rhett and said "watch and learn."

Without waiting for a response I crept towards the cow, coming up behind it.

Eventually I was close, only about a foot from the cow.

I looked back and Rhett was a little closer and staring my way.

He had a big goofy grin on his face when he nodded, telling me to go for it.

I didn't know how to tip a cow. I heard you just...push them? I don't know but what I do know is I'm doing this.

I took one step closer to the cow, my other foot firmly planted to the ground, ready to turn and run.

With both my hands I shoved them against the cows side as hard as possible and the booked it away. As I was running I turned my head and saw the cow start to teeter. Then, it let out an enormous cry.

I stopped running when I reached Rhett and we broke out in laughter.

"That was amazing!" He said.

Just then, the cow let out another moo, and then the next nearest cow did the same, and the next, and...well you get it.

Almost all the cows had started mooing and panicking and is. Was. Loud.

The house at the other end of the pasture caught my attention when all its lights flicked on.
A man and his wife emerged soon after.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" The man yelled.

His wife shone a little flash light around, scanning the field.

"Crap link, we gotta go!!" Rhett whisper/yelled.

I turned away from the house and started sprinting towards the gate we entered through, Rhett following close behind me.

I flung the gate open and crashed to the ground right as I ran through. Rhett quickly followed, falling down right next to me.

There was a quiet moment right after, the only sounds were our heavy breathing and the occasional moo in the background.

I turned to him and he turned back to me, we paused, and then broke out in laughter.

I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt and I knew Rhett did the same.

The laughter slowed and Rhett scooted closer to me and said "hey, nice job man." And gave me a slap on the leg.

His hand lingered. Not instantly leaving my thigh. It felt like fireworks.

There I laid, against a fence in the pitch black inches away from my best friend who I was madly in love with. I took in every second of it.

I looked Rhett's way as his gaze pulled me out of my thoughts.

We locked eyes and didn't look away.

"What are you staring at?" I asked

There was silence.

"You." He replied.

My heart raced. I was so enchanted by this man.

Rhett scooted closer yet again and my breath quickened.

"Hey..." He said as he placed a hand on my leg.
"Calm down" he finished.

"I....uhm....Rhett....I" I couldn't get full sentences out, hell I was barely forming words.

He chuckled and there was that gorgeous grin again.

"Link, do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yeah, Rhett" I managed to whisper.

"Good" he whispered back as I saw the passion and heat in his eyes.

Without hesitation he placed his other hand behind my head and pulled me his way. I sat there not knowing what to do. Was this really happening?

"By the way, you look incredible tonight." He murmured before crashing his lips into mine.

I was taken aback but my heart felt like it was going to burst with happiness. I wrapped my arms around him, closing the only space left between us and kissed him back with all the passion and love I had. I've never been this happy. Rhett is the love of my life.

And the rest, as they say. Is history.

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