Care to dance?

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~middle aged. In a relationship. POV switch~

•Rhett POV•

I hurried back from the bathroom to find Link. He always hated being alone at parties and I hated leaving him but sometimes a mans gotta pee. We were invited by some friend who were hosting the party. A lot of people there we knew but on the other hand a lot we didn't. Link and I weren't the party type. We liked smaller gatherings where it's more relaxed and low key but we came anyways because our friends insisted and every once in a while parties were nice.

I left the hall where the bathroom was and walked out to the kitchen area. There were only a few people in the kitchen which meant everyone was somewhere else. As I passed the kitchen I saw the door leading to the back patio and glanced out. It was big and had chairs on the sides and lights above. The yard was just as pretty. A white gazebo also with lights off to one side. Perfectly trimmed grass, pots with flowers, etc. it was a really nice backyard. One I imagined having someday.

I realized I was getting side tracked and stepped away. I walked through the kitchen and towards the living room. I could here soft music and assumed thats where everyone was.

I was right. The furniture had been previously pushed away to the sides making a space for people to dance. The tv was playing some slow song and lots of people were dancing, some mingling on the sides.

I scanned the crowd and my eyes landed on a familiar body.

•link POV• 

I stood against the wall, away from most of the dancing people. My mind wandered to Rhett and I hoped for him to come back soon before I had to unwillingly interact with people I didn't want to. Rhett was good about getting us out of situations like that. I smiled to myself as I though about all Rhett did to keep me from unwanted situations and how well he dealt with my anxiety.

In that moment I felt a presence behind me and two warm arms were soon around my waist. I instantly relaxed as I heard a familiar voice.

"Come here often, handsome?" Rhetts low voice spoke into my ear.

I grinned. "Sorry, I'm taken" I said before turning around.

"Dang. I was hoping you would dance with me ." He said with a smirk

I looked up into his comforting eyes.
"I guess I can make an exception."

He smiled genuinely at me and said "good, care to dance?"

I hesitated. Dancing? In public? Not my thing.

I didn't even have to say what I was thinking. Rhett knew.

"Pleaseeee? Just for a little bit?" He asked.

"Okay, okay. I'll dance with you." I replied

He smiled and grabbed my hand but just as he did the slow love song ended and a fast, repetitive, pop song came on.

"Damn it. We're not dancing to this." Rhett muttered

Just as I was about to reply he cut in.

"Wait! I have an idea." He said

Next thing you know he was leaving the living room and rushing through the house dragging me behind.

"Rhett what the hell." I said as he pulled me through the kitchen.

He stopped at the back door that lead to the yard.

He opened it and went out, followed by me.

"Woah" I said. It was beautiful.

He shut the door and grabbed my hand again leading me across the grass toward a big white gazebo covers in lights.

He went up the few steps from the ground to the covered wood area.

I grinned as he held out his hand and repeated "care to dance?"

I stepped up and took his hand, letting him lead me to the middle of the gazebo. There was soft music coming from his phone for us to dance to.

He placed one hand on my waist and I put one on his shoulder. Our still interlocked hand raised up to complete a classic slow dance position.

He lead, starting to slowly sway us back and forth.

"Ever notice how we fit together almost perfectly?" Rhett asked quietly.

"Rhett, you're so cheesy." I replied with a smile.

"Yeah. I am." He murmured into my hair.

We continued to dance to the soft music. Eventually he let me lean into him and lay my head on his chest.

I almost forgot about the party entirely until someone opened up the back door and shouted "hey guys, we're doing shots if you want to join".

"Well. This moment is effectively ruined." Rhett muttered as we stopped dancing.

"Yeah uhm isn't this supposed to be an adult party? Didn't know we were in a frat all of a sudden." I said with a sharp laugh.

Rhett smiled. "I enjoy dancing with you. We will pick this up later." He said

I kissed his cheek and then wrapped my arms around him. Pinning him in this moment with me for one last second.

"Come on," he said while running a hand through my hair. "Let's go make up some excuse to leave and then go home and watch a movie in bed" he suggested.

I grinned. "You know me too well." I comment before kissing him and leading him back to the house.

My stories have been so cheesy lately. Sorry not sorry. If you have any suggestions comment them maybe? Also feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you guys.♥️

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