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~Adults. Defined relationship. Link POV~

I woke up from my deep sleep and sat up, stretching.

I looked over at the sleeping man beside me and smiled. His legs tangled through the our fluffy comforter. His normally perfectly pushed up hair disheveled and down over his forehead.

I slipped quietly from beneath the sheets and grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

It was a cold winter morning so I threw on my favorite sweatshirt which actually happened to be Rhetts but he never minded.

I left our room and went down the hall to the kitchen. I grabbed down a mug and poured myself a fresh cup of coffee.

I was about to start making breakfast for Rhett and I when I glanced out the window and almost gasped.

It was snowing.

With a smile on my face I rushed to the huge windows in our living room.

It was beautiful. It must have been snowing all night, and pretty hard at that.

Our entire front yard was covered. The tops of all the cars, the road except for two strips of asphalt where cars have been driving down the street. I loved the silence of our neighborhood in moments like these. Not many people lived on our street so it was often very quiet.

The snow continued to fall creating a serene scene, mesmerizing me.

Minutes later I heard footsteps come down the hall and into the living room.

"Woaaaah" I heard Rhett say as he stopped in his tracks.

I smiled to myself at his reaction. I heard him come closer and soon after felt his warm embrace around me. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed me gently on the top of my head.

"This is beautiful" he said murmuring into my hair.

"Let's go" I said turning around to face him.
"What?" He replied.
"Let's go out there" I said again.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me back to our bedroom.

He put on thick, warm sweats and his winter coat over the top of his long sleeve.

I added a coat to my sweatshirt and we both put on boots.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Of course!" I said.

We went outside in the front yard to the ever falling snow.

I ran to the middle of the yard with Rhett on my heels.

"It' pretty"  I said.

I examined the ground below me. A nice layer of snow.

"Rhett" I said, getting his attention

"Hmmm?" He replied.

I took a step back and let myself flop into the snow. Face up, arms straight out like a little kid.

He laughed at me and shook his head.

"Make a snow angel" he said

"Oh come on Rhett I'm not a kid" I said

He raised an eyebrow

"I'm just kidding, hell yeah I am" I said and flapped my arms and legs, creating a snow angel.

"You're a dork" he said, stretching out his hand to help me up.

I took his hand and stood up next to him.

We stood in silence watching the snow fall slowly.

I looked up at the wonderful man beside me, he was staring out over the street with admiration in his eyes.

"You've always loved snow." I said softly

He looked down and put his arm around my shoulder letting me lay my head on his chest.

"I remember one time growing up it had been snowing all day while we were at school, I came home with you to spend the night. We waited until about 2 am and then went out in your front yard and laid there. It was dark except for the street lights and we just laid there in the snow together talking. For three hours we talked until about 30 minute before your mom had to leave for work we snuck back in. We spent the whole rest of the day drinking hot cocoa full of marshmallows and playing in the snow" I said, reminiscing.

He looked down at me and I looked up at him, both of us smiling. He slipped his arm from around me and intertwined our fingers.

"Did you always know?" He asked.

"What?" I said

"Did you always know-" He repeated, looking down at our interlocked hands. "-about us?"  he finished.

"In a way, yeah" I said confidently.

" really?" He questioned

"I mean obviously I didn't know we would end up like this but since we were young you were my best friend and I knew I wanted you in my life forever. Even if I didn't know I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life in this way I knew some way we would stay together." I said.

He released my hand from his and pulled me to face him.

"I love you" Rhett said casually.

"I love you" I said back.

He grabbed the sides of my open jacket and pulled me to him. Kissing me passionately.

We spent the rest of the day in our big chair, his arm around me and my head on his chest, in front of the window watching the snow and drinking coffee.

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