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~Mid twenties. established relationship. 3rd person POV~

"Link, wake up" Rhett murmured.

Link stirred lightly in his seat before pulling up his blindfold and squinting. His hair was disheveled and he looked as if he'd been hibernating.

"What is it?" Link asked as he fumbled for his glasses.

"We're here!" Rhett exclaimed with a smile, then pointed out the tiny airplane window.

Link turned towards his left and sure enough Costa Rica was coming into view. He slipped off his neck pillow and leaned over Rhett to see better.

"I can't believe it" Link said happily as he settled back in his seat and prepared for descent.

"Honestly I never thought we'd make it here" Rhett replied.

"Really?" Link asked.

Rhett shrugged and said "we've been talking about this trip since middle school, I never thought it'd actually be real".

Link leaned over and kissed Rhett as he finished his sentence.

"You did surprisingly well on this flight" Rhett murmured into Links hair.

Link pulled away and grinned.
"I did didn't I?" He said.

The plane descended smoothly and before they knew it they were exiting the aircraft. It wasn't one of those giant bustling airports, rather it was small and you got off right onto the landing strip like people in movies or celebrities do.

Link stepped out first, a smile forming on his lips as he starts down the stairs. He had his backpack flung over one shoulder carelessly. He made it to the bottom and stepped onto the hot asphalt. He did a 360 as he took it all in. As he did, he heard a low whistle behind him. He turned and saw Rhett getting off the plane.

"wow!" Rhett exclaims with a grin as he caught up to link.

Link takes a big breath in, "The air feels so much better here" he says.

"come on, I want to get to the hotel" Rhett urges, placing his hand on Links lower back and beginning to walk.

They head away from the plane and into the small airport building ahead of them. 30 minutes later they were standing on the sidewalk waiting for a cab. The sun beats down even harder at this angle and they both gulp from a water bottle they purchased soon after disembarking from their flight. The two only waited for a few minutes before a yellow taxi pulls up in front of them. The driver helps them load their bags into the trunk before they all climb in.

The place where they were staying wasn't too far of a drive from the airport, both stared out the windows at the passing view. The exhilaration of being in a new place made everything more exciting.

Finally the cab rolled to a stop in front of a quaint wood building. After paying the driver and retrieving their bags, the couple walked inside. Instantly they were greeted by a short man with a festive shirt on. He greeted them with a smile and began to give them the run down.

With brochures in hand and bags over their shoulders the two men headed towards their private bungalow.

"you ready?" Rhett asked before putting the key inside the door.

The outside was plain but still enchanting. Made from dark wood with pretty lights strung above the door. A set of patio chairs with a little round table sat on the porch next to the door.

"Hurry up!" Link rushed him.

Rhett slipped the key into the lock and it click with ease. He pushed it open to reveal the inside. They stepped in together and stopped in the doorway.

"That's it. we're not leaving." Link said.

Inside it was romantic and beautifully decorated. It had a open floor plan with a big white bed pushed up against the far wall which was one big window. A bathroom to the left and a little kitchenette to the right. Snacks and a mini bar were neatly organized and a dining table a few steps away. A big beautiful vase of flowers sat on the table by the door with a bottle of champagne and a note.

"Look at this" Rhett said when his eyes landed on the champagne.

"Let's crack it open!" Link exclaimed.

Rhett shook his head.
"We should wait til later for that" He said.

Link agreed and they began unpacking and exploring the place.

"Hurry we're going to miss it" Link whined.

It was later and they were getting ready to go down to the beach to see the sunset. Rhett was freshening up his hair and buttoning you his dark blue t-shirt.

"Hold your horses" he mumbled.

Link played with the loose coins in his pocket as he waited. A few minutes later Rhett flicked off the bathroom light and exited.

"I'm done. happy now?" Rhett said.

Link smiled and darted to the front door.

"You look very handsome" He said, reaching up to kiss Rhett gently.

Rhett and Link sat in the sand, facing the water. Rhett was leaned back onto his elbows and Link lay next to him on his side, his head resting in his hand. The sky was orange and pink. The sun was close to disappearing behind the blue waves.

"Hey, let's get closer" Rhett said as he pushed himself up to stand.

Link shrugged and did the same, dusting the sand off himself then off of Rhett too. They walked hand in hand until they were just a few inches from the water, the tide threatening to tickle their bare toes. They gazed ahead in awe of the beauty. Link wrapped an arm around Rhetts lower back and leaned against his chest. Rhett kisses the top of his head and leaned his cheek against it. They stood there for a few minutes that way in silence.

"Link" Rhett broke the silence by saying his name.

"hmmm?" Link said lazily, Rhett could feel the vibrations from his voice on his chest.

Rhett stepped away from his companion and Link frowned, dropping his arm and standing up straight. They were facing each other.

Without speaking Rhett reached into his pocket and before Link knew it, his boyfriend was down on one knee and holding a black felt box with a silver band inside. Links eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Link, you are my life. you are every thing I have. I have never even considered a life without you." Link covered his mouth with his hand and his eyes began watering.

"I want you to be my husband. I want to marry you. I love you, Link. Will you marry me?"

Link wiped his eyes and nodded.

"Yes, I will. I will!"

Rhett removed the ring and slid it onto Links finger as quick as lightning. Before he could stand up, Links hands were on his face and their lips came crashing together. Rhett rose up to his feet without breaking the kiss, he wrapped his strong arms around Link.

Eventually they broke apart and Rhett grinned at his lover whose face was wet with tears.

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