Off he goes

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~18 years old. Link POV~

I sat on the front porch, lazily leaning on the steps despite the perfectly good lawn chairs behind me. I liked sitting on the ground, it was comforting somehow. I tried to relax but was anticipating Rhetts familiar truck rolling up before my house any moment. The sun was going to set soon and the sky began to turn a beautiful ombré of pink and orange. I removed the sunglasses from my eyes and slipped them into the worn out backpack beside me. As I was zipping it back up I heard a low rumble growing louder and smiled to myself. Hopping to my feet I slung the backpack over my shoulder. I headed through the lawn and to the sidewalk. Rhett pulled up right where I was standing. Country music was playing through the speakers, Johnny Cash I assumed. I opened the passenger door and hopped in.

"Am I late?" Rhett asked as I buckled.

"No, I was enjoying the sunset" I smiled.

"Yeah it's a nice afternoon huh?"

I nodded.

Rhett fixed his hat as he began driving away. I leaned back in the seat comfortably. I focused on Johnny Cash's voice.

I crossed the ocean
For a heart of gold
I've been in my mind
It's such a fine line
That keeps me searching
For a heart of gold

I felt calm as we rode down the familiar roads. We have been coming to this special spot on the creek for as long as I could remember. It was only fitting that we made one last trip before Rhett moved away with his family. I'd had a hollow feeling in my chest since the second he told me. The feeling was worse today but I didn't want to spoil the mood. It was supposed to be a happy night. I was glad to be with my best friend.

We crept down the familiar dirt road lined with trees and fields of tall wispy grass, before parking and leaving the truck. We made our way through the brush and bramble until we finally made it to the sandy bank along the river shore.

Rhett smiled and looked like he didn't have a care in the world. We put our bags down in the sand and I pulled my sunglasses out, about to put them on.

" Wait wait wait, let's jump in" Rhett said.

I paused, "But it's going to be so cold" I whined slightly.

"Come on man this is a special trip!"

I couldn't help but give in. Rhett always pulled me out of my comfort zone and while it made me uncomfortable, I needed it.

"Okay okay fine" I said, Putting the glasses back in my bag.

He grinned with pride and gave me a light slap on the chest before running off towards the water. I rolled my eyes with a smile and broke into a jog after him. We paused at the shore with the deep water looming before us.

There was a little sandbank that was higher than the rest of the area, nothing too daunting, but it's where we always jumped off from. We climbed up the warm sand until we got to the top. Rhett gave me a glance then nodded towards the water.

"Me first? no." I said taking a step back.

"We've done this a million times" Rhett says.

"And a million times i've not wanted to"

"You go first or we're staying up here forever" He shrugged.

I backed up, took a few deep breathes before pushing off with all my power and launching off the cliff. I tucked myself into a cannonball as I hurtled down and finally breaking through the surface of the water. The breath was taken from my lungs. Instantly my limbs spread out and I kicked myself back up the the surface with a gasp and a "whooo!".

I saw Rhett laugh and then he disappeared for a moment before sailing over the edge after me. I threw my body to the side to avoid being landed on but the splash flung me around anyway. Rhett made it back to the surface and was grinning.

We were in the water for a while. We raced each other, Rhett winning almost every time because of his muscular body. We floated lazily on our backs as we watched the sun sink down below the horizon. The air was silent besides the calming flow of the river. We let the rushing water sway our bodies gently. When the sky became an inky darkness we moved out of the chilly river and onto the shore. We had to share Rhetts towel as I left mine behind. I could even see it in my mind folded neatly by the front door where I assumed I would remember it.

When were as dry as we were going to get, we slipped our clothes on and plopped down in the sand. I pulled out a snack that we shared as we sat there comfortably. After a few minutes Rhett laid back with his hands beside his head, looking up at the star dotted sky.

"What are you gonna do without me man?" He said with a laugh.

"I don't know" I muttered.

"Wait, hey, I didn't mean it like that" He said with concern on his face.

I smiled at him solemnly.

"No you're right. Unfortunately you're all i've got" I said with a grin, kicking him playfully.

"You have other friends." He said.

I chewed at my lower lip.

"Not other friends like you." I said.

Rhett sat up and scooted closer to me.

"Hey hey, It'll be fine. we'll still talk all the time" He tried to cheer me up.

"I know, It just won't be the same."

"I know."

I tried to smile but tears filled my eyes. The moonlight illuminated Rhetts tear stained face as he turned towards me.

"I have to go." He said as he held my face gently and placed a kiss on my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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