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Hey everyone! As you may have noticed I've stopped updating. I feel bad about this because I was updating semi regularly at the beginning. I'm sorry about my absence If any of you have missed me updating, I appreciate it but fan fiction writing hasn't really been in the front of my mind lately. It was more of something I was into when I was about 13 or 14 but the older I get the less I see myself writing fan fictions. I started this collection only a few months ago though so obviously I still have some drive to continue fan fic writing! I absolutely love writing in general and writing about a topic that I love and sharing it with people who share that love with me is awesome! So I think I may update again soon but if not I'm may share some of my other writing on here that isn't related to fandoms. Sorry if this message is messy or confusing. Comment if you have any thoughts or opinions on this! ~K

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