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~single. In their twenties. Rhett POV~

Link and I had been out at the park taking a walk. It started pouring down rain and we were getting wetter and wetter by the second.

"Uhg I thought it was supposed to be nice today" Link grumbled as we rushed home.

The sky had grown dark with storm clouds as the rain continued to pour down. We both had our coats pulled over our heads and at this point were basically jogging home.

We were almost back to my house when Link tripped over something, falling to the ground.

"Woah, you okay?" I asked as I abruptly stopped and saw him on the ground.

I crouched down next to him, the rain and darkness making it difficult to see.

"Yeah, I'm good." He said.

I stood up and offered him a hand, he took and and I pulled him up.

I looked at him and he was dripping wet. I then looked at the grounds and saw he had fallen right in a puddle.

"Woah link your soaked, you'll get sick if we stay out here any longer" I said

"Don't worry about me" he said as we started back to my house. We jogged the rest of the way, getting even more wet as the rain continued to pour.

We finally made it back and I threw open the door. We both stumbled into the house, closing the door quickly behind us.

"Oh my goodness" Link says

"That's the worst rain we've had in years" I breathed.

Link nodded. "Stay here" I said as I slipped off my shoes and ran to my bedroom.

I pulled out a t shirt and sweats for me and the same for link.

I went back to where he was standing in the doorway and threw the clothes to him along with a towel.

"Thanks man" he said.

He took of his shoes followed by his coat and shirt before drying off with the towel. It was then that I realized I had been staring.

"Like whatcha see?" Link asked, breaking me out of my trance.

"Oh... Uhm...sorry" I said as I walked away.

He laughed and my tension released as I knew he was just messing with me.

There had always been playful flirting and banter like that between us. Link didn't know how crazy it made me though. I just want to tell him everything i think about him and how much I want him but I'm sure that would end our entire friendship.

I went back into my room and stripped myself down. I put on new underwear, sweats and a t shirt. Feeling clean and dry I went into the bathroom to fix my hair.

I was standing at the mirror with hair gel and a brush when I felt a presence behind me.

Link had come into the bathroom searching in a cupboard for something.

At that point I had started doing my hair.

I kept running my hands and brush through my hair but it was never to my liking.

I let out a sound in frustration and link turned my way.

"I can't get it right" I grumbled.

"Here lemme help" he said.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me towards himself.

He was still shirtless and in his wet jeans and I couldn't tear my eyes away from his nicely toned body.

He reached up toward me and started running his own hands through my hair.

His touch sent shivers down my spine.

I looked up at his face and he looked back, our eyes locking, out hot breath filling the small space between us.

"Uh....there....I...I think that's better" link says while still staring into my eyes.

His hands fell from my hair and slid down the back of my neck, shoulders and sides, lighting a fire on my skin.

My breathing quickened. He started to pull his hands away but I grabbed them in mine.

He took one hand from mine, placing it on my chest and my now limp hand went to his waist.

He was silent and I dropped my head along with my hand.

"Hey" he said tipping my head up to meet his gaze.

His dazzling smile flashed across his face and then out of the blue he grabbed my face with both hands and pushed his lips into mine.

I grabbed him and pulled him closer as we continued to kiss.

I pulled away just for a brief moment, both of us were smiling and holding each other.

"Rhett-" link started to say but I cut him off by crashing my lips back into his.

I was more passionate this time. almost aggressive. my hands making their way through his hair.

"Let's get you out of those wet pants" I said low in his ear before placing a kiss on his head.

I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him from the bathroom into the living room where his fresh clothes sat still folded.

Keeping my eyes on him I released his hand from mine and moved my hands down to the waistband of his jeans.

I released the button and unzipped them as well.

"Sit" I commanded as I began to pull down his jeans.

He did as I said, sitting on the couch behind him.

I crouched down in front of him and slowly pulled off his wet jeans struggling slightly to peel them from his still damp legs.

I finally did and threw them aside.

Knowing Link didn't want anything to wild right now I ran my hands up his legs lightly and then grabbed the dry sweats next to him.

He sat there in his boxers staring down at me.

I reached my neck up and kissed him quickly.

I next resumed my task and unfolded the sweats and made him step into them.

He stood up as did I and I slowly slid the pants up over his legs and bottom and left them to rest on his waist.

He smiled and pulled me in for a long lingering kiss.

I smiled too and sat down on the couch, him following.

"How about a movie?" I asked as he intertwined our hands and rested his head on my shoulder.

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