Our spot

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~in high school. Link POV. ~

I sat on the couch in front of the tv with my homework in my lap.

My mom was in the kitchen when the phone rang so she grabbed it off the hook and answered. There were a few things said but a minute or so later she said
"Link honey it's for you."

I got up and took the phone from her

"Hello?" I said
"Hey man" Rhett said on the other end
"Oh hey! What's up?"
"I'm bored, it's hot and I was wondering if you wanna go to our spot on the river and swim?"
"Of course dude, sounds fun."
"Awesome I'll be there to get you in a few"
"Sweet. I'll be ready"

I hung up the phone and asked my mom and she said I could go. I ran to my room and changed into my swim shorts and flip flops, leaving on the t shirt I was already wearing.

I was really excited. Rhett had been on vacation for a week and I was happy to be spending time with him again. Recently Rhett and I both came clean and admitted our feelings for one another and since then we've been seeing how things work out. I know I'm falling for him more and more as the days continue. I just hope he feels the same.

I waited for Rhett to pull up. When he did I ran out, saying goodbye to my mom and hopped in his truck.

"Hey link" he said with a smile on his face.

"Hey" I said back slowly. Keeping eye contact with him.

"What? What is it?" He asked, obviously noticing my stare.

"Oh. Nothing. I'm just noticing how incredible your eyes are" I said

"Oh stop being cheesy" he said chuckling

"Just saying" I said with a shrug.

He smiled and grabbed my hand in his and started to drive away from the curb.

We finally made it to the river and parked his truck in a dirt spot near the water.

We hopped out and walked the short distance to the shore of the river.

"You ready?" He asked me

"We haven't done this in a while dude" I said

"That's why we're doing it!" He said

He saw my hesitation and grabbed me, pulling me with him closer to the shore.

"Jump on 3?" He asked.

"Okay, let's go" I said

"One, two three!"

On three I leaped off the bank to the water. I felt Rhetts hand leave mine before hitting the water. I broke through the surface, sunk down but instantly propelled myself up. My head came up over the surface and I gasped loudly. The cold had taken my breath away.

"Oh m...my god" I gasped

I glanced to my side and saw no Rhett. I spun myself around and saw Rhett still on the shore laughing at me.

"RHETT" I yelled.

He laughed even harder at my reaction and I swam to him on the bank and climbed back up.

"Seriously?" I asked

"Okay, okay. I'll jump." He said

"Bullshit" I claimed, teasing with him because he always hates when I pretend to be mad.

"Come on. I'll jump this time" he said

We counted to three again and both plunged into the freezing water.

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