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~In High School. Link POV~

I bounced my leg rapidly under the outdated table I sat behind. My backpack sat beside my chair on the ground and I was sipping my coffee. The lighted overhead whined with a high pitched drone but I tuned it out quickly.

I felt a smile form on my face as I saw him enter the library. I raised my hand just enough to get his attention and he made eye contact, smiling back. He weaved through other tables until he made it to where I was sitting.

"Hey" I said as he pulled out a chair and plopped down.

"Told you id be here" He said as he got situated.

I grinned.

I couldn't help but stare at my boyfriend as he pulled a few study essentials from his backpack. He wore a green long sleeve shirt with black jeans. I liked the outfit.

Rhett finally noticed me staring and gave me a stern look. I rolled my eyes and he changed his expression to a smile.

"Not here" He said gently.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know" I said, only half serious about the annoyance in my voice.

Rhett and I made our relationship official a month ago. Despite being best friends for as long as we could remember, it took all the way until our senior year of high school for us to come to our sense and admit our true feelings.

I hated to hide our relationship, I wanted to touch him in public and flirt with him and treat him like my boyfriend, but I knew we were right to wait. Neither of our families were very fond of homosexuals. We feared being outcasted from our community and school. The pressure to conform to the cookie cutter mold of society was strong. Rhett reassured me that we would go public with our relationship soon. I hoped he was right.

Rhett gave me a soft smile.

"How was your morning?" he asked.

His low voice made my heart flutter as usual.
I smiled back.

"got an A on my quiz" I replied.

"Hey that's great!" He sounded genuinely happy for me.

I nodded. "Thanks. It was easy though" I said with a grin.

Rhett scoffed.

"cocky" he said.

"jealous" I said back.

Rhett flicked his pencil at me lightly which bounced of my shoulder and onto the floor.

"It is a real shame that I can't kiss you right now" I mumbled as I leaned in close to him.

"Liiink!" He basically whined.

I chuckled.

"Look, I have to go" I said as I stood up with my belongings in my arms.

"what?" Rhett was confused.

"I'll see you later" I said as I pushed in my chair and turned away.

I took a few steps but then heard Rhett shout my name


I turned around startled by his sudden outburst that surely got the attention of the students around us.

Rhett was jog-walking up to me.

I wanted to ask him what was going on but before I could he stood in front of me and grabbed my face in his hands, leaning down and pressing his lips against mine firmly.

My eyes widened momentarily before closing all together. I kissed him back hard.

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