
365 19 3

20s. Link POV.

The redundant and shrill beeping of my way-too-old alarm clock filled my bedroom. I took a few slow breaths before opening my eyes and groaning. My body protested and as much as I wanted to stay nestled under my cozy comforter I knew I had to get up, I was even excited to get up.

Today was the first day of me and Rhetts big fall camping trip. We have been planning this trip for a while and the anticipation has definitely been keeping both of us motivated. The only problem is that, I want to tell Rhett that I have feelings for him today, and I'm scared.

I slipped from under the covers and instantly placed my cold feet into the dark blue slippers on the carpet below me. I shuffled in a very zombie-like fashion from my room to the bathroom. I peed, brushed my teeth and splashed some water onto my face. I was finally beginning to feel like a real person.

The clock read 4:03 am. Rhett would be here to pick me up at 5:00 am. That gives me plenty of time.

After plugging my cellphone in to charge and starting my coffee maker I got into the steaming shower and did my whole routine. After my shower I patted myself down until dry and headed to my room to get dressed.

I put on a green and white flannel with a black vest over it. I matched it with a pair of black jeans and my beloved camping boots. After that my hair was ready to be styled so I went back into the bathroom to style my hair and also I put on some deodorant.

After I finished getting ready I packed the toiletry items that I had used and I also packed my phone charger, just in case. I wandered into the kitchen and placed a bag of trail mix and and a pack of mini donuts at the top of my bag. We already planned and packed all our meals but I always need a road snack. Finally everything was packed and waiting by the front door. My personal bag that contained clothes and toiletries, my sleeping bag, hammock and a crate with smores ingredients. I sat patiently on the couch, bouncing my leg and waiting to hear Rhetts truck pull up. I'm so excited to see him. Just when I was about to get up and start pacing, I heard the familiar low rumble of Rhetts truck. I smiled and went to the front door, flinging it open. Rhett hopped out of his truck and jogged up to the door.

"Hey man! Lets get on the road!" He greeted excitedly.

I slung my bag onto my back and put my sleeping bag under one arm. Rhett picked up the crate and and hammock and we headed out to his truck. I pulled the door tight behind me and locked it. We secured my stuff in the back and then I hopped in the passenger seat beside Rhett. I brought my snacks, polaroid camera, cell phone and a book into the front with me.

Rhett starts driving and I put my feet up on the dashboard. Leaning back and getting comfortable. The drive wasn't going to be short. The sun wasn't up yet so we drove through the town in the dark, heading away from home.

At some point I must have drifted off to sleep because I awoke to Rhetts hand on my upper arm, shaking me gently.

"Hey man wake up. you gotta see this" He said.

I slowly lifted my lids and sat up straight in my seat. It was the sunrise. It was beautiful. We both gazed out the window at the pink and yellow painting the sky.

"I say it's gonna be a good day huh?" Rhett says excitedly, giving me a slap on the chest. I smiled and grabbed my camera. I snapped a photo of the sunrise followed by a photo of Rhett driving. That's a keeper.

By the time we made it to the campground both of us were smiling and restless with anticipation. I sat up straight in my seat fully alert. We drove down a thin dirt road that was lined with tall trees that towered over us. We looked out the windows at the beautiful forest.

We passed a lone hiker on the road who gave us a nod and also a family just down the way. They were playing board games and squirting water guns.

"I gotta say i'm kinda glad we're not totally alone" I remarked.

We finally pulled up to the flattened clearing in the brush. there was a fire pit and a picnic bench. The sun shimmered across the ground and lit up our campsite with a golden glow.
Rhett parked the truck and both of us hopped out. Rhett threw his body back in a big dramatic stretching motion and I bent over and touched my toes.

"man it feels good to be out of there" He says.

I nod and stand up straight. we stay there for a moment looking ahead of us.

"This place is dope" I say smiling over at Rhett.
He grins.
"there's a trail to the river just down there" he says as he jabs his thumb in the direction.

"Come on let's get this place set up!" I exclaims as I head around to the back of the truck. I pull out the tent and begin to assemble it, occasionally asking for Rhetts assistance. He was removing the wood, coolers and griddle to set up the other area.

We finally get our site all set up, complete with chairs by the fire, lanterns and music playing through a speaker. We stood there and admired it. Probably a little too proud of ourselves.

"Hey i'm going to go see where the closest water spigot is" Rhett says as he starts walking out of the site.

"Okay, should I get lunch started?" I ask.

"That sounds great, I'll be back in a few" He replied and gives me a smile.

I grabbed ingredients I needed from the cooler and bags of groceries in the truck and got to work. I chopped onion, peppers and tomato. I shredded cheese and opened a can of olives. I put out sour cream, salsa and guacamole.

As i was putting the grate over the fire I saw Rhett coming back.

"Hey! There is a water spigot up the road just a little ways. I also ran into the ranger and we talked a bit, he told me about a secret waterfall we can go to" He explained as he approached me.

"great! It's time for lunch. All the quesadilla ingredients are over on the table, you just have to assemble" I say.

"Awesome, i'm starving. Thanks for doing this Link" He said and flashed a grin at me.

We ate happily by the fire letting the music play loud and each having a few cold beers.

After that we took a walk and saw the area. by the time we got back to camp it was getting dark.

For the rest of the night we sat around the fire eating hotdogs and marshmallows. we had some more beer. we sang and laughed and told ghost stories.

We both got sleepy around 1:00 am so we put the fire out and got in the tent to change and set up our beds.

Rhett was in just a pair of basketball shorts when he slipped into his sleeping bag. As he's closing his eyes I creep out of the tent to use the bathroom. When I get back from doing my business it seems that Rhett was out cold. I slipped into my sleeping bag that was side by side with Rhetts. I admired him sleeping.

"I wish you had feelings for me" I mutter to myself.

Rhetts eyes shoot open...

I gasp...

Hey guys! Hope you liked it! comment if you want to see part 2👀

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