Chapter six

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I just came out of the guard's station and all they fucking said that they'll check in it. Like come on the old fella died my dad and uncle Ben just disappered out of no where. There got to be a killer or something. Stacey was ringing my phone so i picked up.

"Hiya Lucy where are you.

"I'm at the gaurd's station they done nothing.

"Oh honey do you want to hang out.

"I didn't hang out with her probably since we got here and i need a chat.

"Ya ok thanks i meet you at the hotel.


I can't fucking believe it another murder. I can feel it that Frank Ben Jack and Bob are dead but i don't want to say anything. Kat died near the forest so i'm going to look for clue's there. I got to the forest so i started looking around.


I was just with Darren. I felt so lousy for him his sister died and his father could be dead. I'm on the way to Harry and JJ they think Ben could be dead as well. They thinking about cancelling the wedding. To be honest i no he's my buddy and all but i don't care if it get cancelled then i csn get off this fucking island. I passed the forest near were Kat died. I heard someone from behind i was shitting it. I picked up a rock for protecting.

"Can on ya motherfucker you killed them well you won't get me come on you pussy if you so hard.

No was there.

"Haha ya fucking taught so PUSSY.

I turned and fucking Mike jumped out from the brushes.

"Booo haha you was so scared you should of seen your face haha.

"Haha very fucking funny.


I was with lucy for the day poor girl. I was so fucking scared what if there is a killer killing us one by one. I walked to where Kat died to do a pray for him. I got to the forset. I got on my knees to say a pray. As i was saying a pray someone was walking up behide me as i didn't notice. They guy wispered in my ear.

"Your next honey.

I screamed and tried to get up but he put a bag over my face and wacthed me die.


I was looking for four hour's and found noting. I went to the station and there was a note on my desk. I picked it up and it said DON'T LIE YOU TAUGHT IT BUT YOU WEARNT SURE BUT YES YOU RIGHT I'M NOT DEAD AND YOU REALLY THINK I'M FINISHED NAH I'M ONLY STARTING IT'S ONLY YOU AND 13 PEOPLE LEFT IF ANYONE LEAVE YE BE DEAD IN SECONDS LOGAN SULLIVAN

Jesus christ christ it really is Logan.

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