Chaper seven

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I'm not going to say anything yet about the murder's. I might be a dick because more people could die but i don't want them to worry just in case i get him soon. Darren started knocking at my door.

"Alright garda anything yet about my sister murder.

"No not yet son i say the killer fleed from the island sorry son.

"Ok so but if i find out who did it i'm going to kill him.


So everyone is going around saying there's a killer well he better not go near me i'll throw him punch he would regret coming at me then i can tell ya that. Myself and Aaron and Jesse are having our breakfast

"Do you think we should get off the island. Asked Jesse

"We can't well we can but i'm not sure Lucy won't go so Harry won't and i'm not leaving without him. Answered Aaron

"Ya i know i was just asking what if there is a killer and he's killing us one by one.

"Shut up will ya we can have him anyway and  i have to protect Mary so if he come near he's dead.


Everyone is scared of this killer fella i'm not fuck him. I got a message of uncle Ben to come to a cabin in a forest. It was weird but i got to go just in case if it's him. I found the cabin and i looked through the window and i saw Ben's body in a chair.

"Ben Ben Ben jesus christ.

I kicked down the cabin door and there was someone there with a knife.

"Hello JJ you grew up so fast.

I couldn't believe it. It was Logan sullivan.

"Hello dead fucker this is for my uncle.

I ran at him and gived him a punched he just stood there. I went to hit him again but he got my hand.

"You shouldn't of done that say hello to your parents for me will ya haha.

He got his knife and stab me in the neck twice.


To be very honest i was fucking shitting it. I was going to see Trish to tell her how i feel about her. I got to her to hotel room and she lefted me in.

"Trish please don't talk just leave me i'm scared ok i just want to be with you just in case we die on this island.

"Aaron just shut up and kiss me.

She grabed me from my top and we started kissing.


The boy's are going drinking tonight so myself Trish Mary And Holly are having a girly night so should be fun.


I got a message of Logan phone saying JJ is dead poor kid. The message also said do you think you should tell the people cuase they are all dying very soon. See you around Timmy. I'm so scared to tell people because i already knew about seven or eight murder's and didn't say anything.

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