Chapter Eleven

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I really really want to get Logan but now i'm banned from leaving the fucking house like i'm not ten.

"You ok Jesse. Asked Trish

"Yes mommy i'm ok don't worry i won't leave my room.

"Jesse don't be like that we just don't want you to get killed that's all.

"Ya whatever now stop babysitting me i'm not going to leave OK.


I really want to leave Jesse go out to get him. Logan killed my husband daughter and son. Jesse would kill Logan so i don't no why they won't leave him out to get him.


I'm looking at them through the window all scared thinking of a plan to get me please they won't get me. They want to get me so they can get answer's about why i'm doing this. There's no reason i love killing people and they just turned up so yup my time to kill.


We were all in the kitchen but Jesse wasn't. I looked around the house and he was gone.


I had a gun so i took my chance i jumped out of the window. I heard walking behind me.

"Ohhh yes it's you. You ready to die are ya.

I turned around as fast as i could and pointed the gun.

"Jesse it's me Beth.

"What the fuck are you doing here Beth go back to the rest.

"No Jesse he killed half my family i'm coming with you.

"Ya he did fair enough but think about Lucy. Lucy your daughter.

I grabed her arm come on i'm bringing you back. We were walking back and suddenly i was knocked out my a rock. It was Logan. He looked at Beth.

"You should of stayed with Lucy now she will not have any parent's or sibbing's.

"Please please noooo leave us alone please.

Beth ran as fast as she could and bang a gunshot went off.


We heard a gunshot went off in the forest. We taught it could be Jesse shot Logan or the other way around.

"Oh my god she's gone she's not here. Cried Lucy

"What's wrong who's gone Lucy. Replied Harry

"My mom she's gone.

"Aaron Mike please will ye go out and she can ye find Jesse and Beth. Asked Harry

We picked up gun's and ran out to find them.

"Beth jesse were are ye. Shouted Mike

"Fuck Mike looked it's Jesse.

We ran over to see if he's dead. He wasn't dead he was just knocked out. Mike stayed with Jesse and i looked for Beth. I looked behind a tree and she was dead. I ran back over to Mike.

"Did you find her man.

"She's dead come on pick him up we're heading back to the rest.

We got back and everyone was lookin at us.

"I'm so sorry Lucy your mom is dead. Cried Aaron

"Nooo mom mom. Cried Lucy

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