Chapter 4

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You were quietly humming as you walked towards the manga section, looking to see your kind of heaven. "Hm..," you said and ran your fingers against the titles of the stem of the book, wondering which one to choose when all of a sudden you heard Izuki yawn behind you.

"Books are boring. Just watch the movie," Izuki muttered.

"Well, books have more information, and have things that you missed from the movie," you protested.

"Well, maybe they cut the scenes out for a reason," Izuki said as you clenched your fists.

"Yeah the movies are just a dumber version of the books, baka," you muttered and took out at least three mangas from the same series and brought them up to the register.

"I'll pay," he said eventually.

"Eh?! I thought you said I owed you! I brought money with me, it's fine!" You exclaimed as an old lady shushed you.

"No, I sort of owe you after dragging you out of your comfort zone," he said as we were next in line. You scoffed and agreed with the deal.

"Free manga so why not?" You asked as you cashed it in.

"35 dollars."

"WHAAAT?!" Izuki exclaimed as almost half of the library shushed him. He muttered curse words under his breath and took out money from his wallet and paid at the cash register.

"Would you like a book cover?" The lady at the cash register asked. You shook your head.

"Wait, why would you need a book co...," Izuki trailed off when looking at the book cover. "Oh. So, you bought...Yaoi..."

"It isn't r18 so you can be quiet! Besides, this one looks like a girl so I can fool my parents," you said as Izuki snickered as you grabbed your mangas in your plastic bag and walked off.


After a while, you guys ate breakfast, and Izuki was begging you to play basketball with him.


"But, Y/N why?!"

"Because I am not into it."



"If you will not let me I will shower you with terrible, old, cringe-worthy puns."

"If I cringe then I will play."

Izuki laughed in victory as he cleared his throat, taking out the small blue notepad in his pocket and began to read.

"Why didn't the Pterodactyl go the bathroom? The P is silent."

You clenched your fists, trying your best not to grin as you were able to seem emotionless on your face.

"What do you call a bagel that can fly? A plain bagel."

"Damnit this challenge is harder than I thought..," you thought to yourself.

"What is the difference between a tuna and a piano? You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna!"

"Cringe-Worthy, but not enough," you said and crossed your arms, taunting him. Though on the inside, you could not take a single pun anymore.

" do you wake up Lady Gaga? Poker Face!" Izuki exclaimed as you clenched your fists, trying to remain emotionless on your face.

"What did the ox say to his son when he left for college? Bison!"

"Agh...I can't take it anymore! I'll play basketball," you muttered and tied your hair into a ponytail (if it's short hair, then don't).

"Great! I'll take you to the school gym! 1v1!" Izuki exclaimed.

"W-Wait it's been a long time since I played! Or, I probably never played and I'm really bad but...that's not fair!" You exclaimed, pouting like a little child. "Your a vice-captain of a basketball team! I'm vice captain of nothing!"

"I could have made a pun out of that..oh well. I'll go easy, don't worry," he said and patted your head as your eyes widened, blushing red in embarrassment.

"Ugh...," you said and crossed your arms. Before you knew it, you two made it to the school gym, and surprisingly, there was no one in the gym at all. Instead, it was just the two of you, which you felt relieved and awkward at the same time.

Relieved, that other people wouldn't have to watch you embarrass yourself on the court. And awkward, since it was literally only the two of you there.

"You sure that you didn't sneak in and that the gym is closed?" You asked Izuki as he shook his head.

"Nope. Nobody really goes here at this time, anyways," he said and picked out a basketball and threw it at you. It was more of a toss as you caught it without luck.

"Why? It's a Saturday which means it's a weekday," you said as Izuki shrugged.

"I don't know. People go to gyms with treadmills and stuff so, this is just for courts like practicing volleyball or basketball," Izuki said.

"Okay, so you know how to play, right?" Izuki asked as you nodded, dribbling the ball as you could hear Izuki muffle a laugh.

"Shut up! I haven't played in a while!" You exclaimed as Izuki nodded.

"Jump ball first," Izuki said as the both of you stood in the middle of the court, the both of you facing each other.

"Wait, we have no one to throw the ball in," you said as Izuki took the ball from your hands and grinned.

"I guess I'll throw it," Izuki said and started counting down. By the end of it, he didn't at all throw the ball in the air.

"Have I ever told you you have nice eyes? It just calms me down," Izuki said as you were red in embarrassment.

"Eh?" You asked as Izuki threw the ball and caught it himself.

"Hey! No fair you distracted me!" You exclaimed and bolted in front of Izuki. Before he made a shot, or even got close to the key, you were able to rip the ball out of his hands in anger and dribble towards your basket.

"Haha...let's see how he likes me now..," you said, noticing he wasn't guarding you as you made a shot. He sat there, laughing.

"You made it in the wrong basket Y/N!"

"What? How?!" You exclaimed as Izuki walked towards you and continued laughing.

"You Baka! Stop laughing or I'll- kyah!" You exclaimed, tripping over Izuki's poorly tied shoes and knocked him to the ground, as you surprisingly landed safely.

Then you opened your eyes...

Your faces were surprisingly close to each other, and both of you were red faced, just looking at each other awkwardly.

"Y/N your kinda, heavy..," Izuki said as you blushed red. Izuki chuckled and ended up picking you up bridal style off of the ground.

"Hey! Put me down you baka!" You exclaimed as Izuki shook his head.

"Nope. You owe me," Izuki exclaimed as you started to yell at his face in anger.

"ISN'T THIS WHOLE DATE WHAT I OWE YOU ALREADY?!" You yelled as Izuki just laughed.

"Your choices are, basketball or letting me carry you around like this for the whole day. What's the choice?" Izuki asked you as you rolled you eyes.

"One game only going up to 50 points," you said as Izuki put you down, nodding in agreement. "Also, no cheating like you did during the jump ball. I'll throw."

You picked up the ball from the ground and the both of you started from the half court.


I Forgot The Pun (Shun Izuki X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن