Chapter 13

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It was the long awaited date, the game of Seirin vs Shutaku, and even though you pretended to have some friends from Shutaku, you were rooting for Seirin, all because of Izuki.

You were sitting in the bleachers to see that Seirin was here early as you saw a familiar assistant coach in a skirt. "All of you get a kiss if you win~" Riko said as you chucked, stepping down from the bleachers and hiding behind a tall Izuki, who did not yet notice you were there.

"I'll take it!" Kiyoshi and Hyūga exclaimed as Hyūga glared at him with Kiyoshi just laughing.

"I think I'll pass. Well, I'll make passes in the game, too," Izuki said, and everyone groaned as Kuroko noticed that behind Izuki, keeping quiet about it, taking a sip from his vanilla milkshake.

"Kuroko I told you that will give you cramps, at least go to the bathroom before the game," Riko said as Kuroko nodded and Izuki continued talking.

"I'll do it for a kiss from Y/N, though. I heard she would be here," Izuki said as you bursted into sobs with the memories of your childhood coming back to you as you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face into his back and you could hear him slightly gasp.

"I miss you..," was all you said as Riko awed as you watched as Izuki picked you up bridal style, staring at you with his grey eyes turning red and puffy with his tears landing on your shorts.

"Damn it Y/N! Why did you have to leave?" Izuki exclaimed as try shook your head and leaned your head against his chest as he carried you out of the basketball gym, with the both of you standing by the locker rooms, enjoying the reunion.

"I-I'm sorry I should have came sooner and... I remember!" You exclaimed as Izuki laughed with joy, picking you up by the waist and twirling you around.

"Y/N, Y/N! You remember! All that happened in your childhood, with me, with...Mr. Preppy!" Izuki exclaimed as you laughed, nodding and without hesitation, kissing you.

You sunk into the kiss, practically mention from it as you had to tip-toe and wrap your arms around his neck with his hands running through your hair, as you began to kiss back.

It as as if you were in your own little bubble, with nothing going on, yet eventually you pulled away as he took off his jersey jacket, draping it around your shoulders, giving you a wink. "I know you're part of the other team, but I want to know that you're cheering for me," Izuki told you as you nodded, putting your hands through the sleeves of the sweaters and giving him a salute.

"You're the guy that saved me with a pun. I'm pretty sure you'll win this game," you told him as Izuki laughed at you as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "What is it?" You asked.

"You look so cute in my clothes!" Izuki exclaimed as you blushed, shaking your head.

"I do not look cute!" You exclaimed as Izuki gave you a quick peck on the forehead.

"Yes you do, and you look cuter when you're mad," Izuki said as you frowned and tried to glare at him as you punched his eagle spear arm.

"Well I'm about to get freaking adorable," you said and tackled him to the ground, landing on top of him as it brought you to the day when you had to owe Izuki a date.

When the two of you were playing basketball, and you tripped over Izuki.

"What are you waiting for Ms. Y/N? Finish me off, but I don't wrestle," Izuki said as you shook your head, grabbing him by the collar, getting off of him, pulling him up before he looked at you in disappointment, as if you took candy away from a baby.

"You'll get a second kiss after you win," you said and winked as Izuki covered his nose as you looked at him in confusion. "What is it, again?" You asked him.

"Nose...bleed...," Izuki said and you were startled with what he said before he started running to the men's bathroom.

You face palmed at this unbelievable dork that you used to think was level-headed, or smooth, as your first impression of him when you watched Izuki play basketball.

Then he said his pun...

And he brightened your whole world, turning that little isolated room you could not get out of with a shining mystical door full of opportunities that were endless, and it was your own world, that you were able to laugh in, have fun, and not be alone.

"Where's Izuki?" You heard Riko ask, sounding like a coach as you pointed to the men's bathroom.

"He's, just letting out his last pun," I said as Riko sighed, walking over to the door of the men's bathroom, blowing her whistle loudly as you heard Izuki yell.

"MY NOSE IS ALREADY BLEEDING MOW YOU'RE ADDING MY EARS. TOO?! GOD DAMNIT COACH GIVE ME A BREAK BEFORE YOU BREAK MY EAR DRUMS!" Izuki yelled as you could not help but laugh at the unbelievable dork.

"Get out there and stop putting you're makeup!" Riko yelled as Izuki groaned, going out of the bathroom with a piece of tissue stuck to his left nostril as he shot a glare at Riko before she stormed off into be basketball court, nodding everyone else around.

"I'm winning this game for you Y/N, and if I don't I'll be the one to kiss you," Izuki said and winked, before running into the court as you stood there, a flustered and blushing mess.

You watched Riko sprinting back to you, handing you a (f/c) whistle. "You should plan on going back to our school, assistant coach. But don't sugarcoat Izuki," Riko said as you nodded with her giving a quick smile at you before returning onto the court as you sat on the bleachers with the whistle in your hands, and wearing Izuki's jacket.

You smirked, deciding to keep it as you watched the game go on.

I Forgot The Pun (Shun Izuki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now