Chapter 11

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"Your eyes look like a whole new universe! That's cool!"

"This steak is...steakalicious!"

"Hey! If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber!"

"Woah! Watch out!"


You woke up only to remembering those few quotes that we're all from Izuki. Izuki, that sounded like a little kid. You sighed, noticing it was a Sunday, and got ready for *whatever you do on Sundays*

Before anything, you got a call on your phone, from Izuki, surprisingly. "Where ya going, Y/N to the bookstore again?" Izuki asked as your eyes were wide at the Yaoi you bought, stored secretly for your parents to not see.

"U-Uh no actually I'm going to *insert activity* it's kinda a Sunday thing," you admitted as Izuki laughed.

"Lame. Stars were pretty last night. Just like you, Pun Queen," Izuki said as you blushed at the memory, shaking your head.

"I-I have to go, I'll see you later. Love you!" You exclaimed, taking your bad.

"I love you too," Izuki said right before you hung up as you got on with your activity.

*time skip*

Once you got back, Izuki was waiting at your front porch, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand as he appeared from the bushes once your parents got inside.

"You're a bit dressed up. How about we go on a date and don't change? The way you are and your clothes?" Izuki asked as you blushed at some sort of dirty minded though you had in your mind and shook my head.

"I plan on staying in my room," you told him and twisted the doorknob when he grabbed your hand with his as you turned to look at him and sighed. "You're always taking me out on dates. Where do you want to go?" You asked him.

"Hm, maybe we could stay in your room since that is your comfort zone and stuff," Izuki said and shrugged as you raised one eyebrow.

"You just told me that..," you trailed off and sighed. "Never mind."

"Haha, don't correct me, Ms. (Y/N), I know what I'm saying," Izuki said as you could imagine him wiggling his eyebrows like the pervert you assumed he was then you just shook your head, laughing.

You stayed sitting in your chair, careful on the way you say since you had your dress and was carefully conscious on if Izuki could see your 'pantsu' as you still assumed a lot of things and you were not letting your guard down.

"You know, I wish that I asked you out with a pun," he said with a wink following as you looked at him with a slight blush on your face.

"Oh really?" You asked him as he nodded, clearing his throat and taking out his blue notebook that you always see him write his puns in. He looked as if he was preparing for some sort of graduation speech. Well, this was Puns and Izuki we're talking about, puns are sacred to him.

"Do not Shun me out yet. What you have Izuki to my heart," he said with a smile on his face that you felt like your heart was running a marathon, and your face flared up. "Come on, (Y/N) you gotta admit that was pretty good," he said as you chuckled, nodding and looked at the flowers he gave you.

"You're sweet," you said and had the urge to pinch his cheek as he shrugged away, shaking his head as you gave him a look, that made you look as if you were nagging him. "Izuki, if it's about the thing from yesterday, and it's that important, why don't you just tell me?" You asked curiously as Izuki sighed in defeat, nodding, holding your hand, which felt as if it felt perfectly in his.

"We were kids. You almost died..," Izuki trailed off and laughed. "We had a lot of memories together. You made a lot of puns yourself. We were with other people, too. I'm a little group. With Hyūga, Riko, and Kiyoshi," Izuki said as you were still shocked at the died part.

"Everything was just a blur. As if, it all happened all at once and..," Izuki trailed off again and shook his head, face palming himself, burying his face in his hand. "I can't, I'm sorry..."

"Izuki..," you said and pulled the hand away from his face and looked into his grey eyes, that were about to fill with tears, that were going to spill soon.

You leaned in closer to his face, as you felt your foreheads pressed together and as if you breathed the same air.

Well duh, you thought, humans all breath in oxygen and the atmosphere.

He started to kiss you gently, his hands in your hair as your eyes were closed, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, as you began to move your lips against his, kissing him back.

You heard the door open as you quickly broke the kiss apart and looked out your window, and bit your lip.

"Izuki, correct?" Your dad asked as as I turned to Izuki, who nodded.

"Out," he said coldly as your mom crossed her arms, and nodded in agreement.

"I knew it..," Izuki said with a frown as your eyes were popped open, and you jaw dropping down to the floor.

"Wh-What? Why?!" You asked, confused as Izuki walked out as you stood up, wanting to run after him, but your parents blocked the entrance. "What's going on?! Is there something wrong with Izuki?" You asked in confusion as your mom nodded, putting her hand on your shoulder as you quickly shrugged it away.

"Tell me what's going on!" You pleaded as your dad just pressed his hand against his forehead.

"I'm afraid we can't. Just, stay in your room. We're taking you out of that high school, homeschooling you, even though it's a lot of money, I don't want you near him again," dad said as him and your mom walked out of your house as you felt tears spill out of your eyes in the realization.

"Does that mean...I'll never see him again?" You asked yourself in your mind as you looked out the window to see Izuki close his window, putting a white poster in front of it so that you would not be able to see anything in it.

It was just like before, you did not know that eagle boy was your next door neighbor, or your boyfriend. Ever since you first saw what was behind that window, your life has never been the same.

Now, it's ended.

Since the windows close, and all you see is white, as your head was shrouded with confusion.

Author note!

No it's not the end...

But I probs won't be updating in a while!

School's killing me...

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