Chapter 9

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Once you got home, you immediately went to your room and collapsed on your bed with your face in your pillow with a big sigh. "It's too cliché to be real," you muffled in the pillow as you heard a knock on your door.

"It's unlocked," you announced as your mom and dad walked through the door. You sat up, clearing your throat, kind of scared through the strict expression your dad was making on his face.

"I did tell you no boyfriends till college," dad said as you trembled.

"No, it's that boy. The one that visited Y/N when she was sick," your mom said as your eyes widened.

"Wh-What?" You asked, confused as your mom sighed.

"It's a long story, but I don't think that we'll be needing that meeting with him. We already know him, and he's a nice guy," your mom said as the two left your room.

You immediately reached for your phone, calling Izuki.

"What's up, Y/N," Izuki said as you sighed.

"How do my parents know you?" I asked as I faced the window with Izuki shrugging.

"I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that I'm you're next door neighbor, you know, just to spread a little knowledge for you," Izuki said as you rolled your eyes.

"How do I only know you when Junpei introduced you to me, and just now I found out you're my next door neighbor?!" You exclaimed. Suddenly, he fell silent, only hearing his steady breathing. You felt as if this was something serious, and you hated serious when it came to Izuki.

"I can't talk right now about it. I swore myself to never talk about it again, no pun intended. I was supposed to forget everything like you did, but I can't," Izuki said, hanging up and pulling the curtains on his window, closing it.

You could not imagine things like this happening already. Your felt light headed as you crashed onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling, in disbelief.

You just met, and it baffled you how you two were already together over some stupid horror movie. Just because you were scared, and this happened.

A day later? He starts to ignore you. How do you react? Watch some anime to get your mind over it. Even so you loved the anime you were watching, and it made you soften up a little.

You felt light headed, with all the mixed emotions you felt as someone texted you on the phone.

Izuki: I'm sorry

You sighed, smiling and texting back.

Don't sweat it, save it for basketball

Izuki: XD I'll see you tomorrow my pun princess

You blushed, about to put away your phone when Junpei had called you on your phone. "What is it, buzzkill?" I asked on the phone.

"You know, you used to be so polite before you met Izuki. Is there something going on?" Junpei asked as you saw your eyes pop open, looking at yourself in the mirror.

"What do you mean going on?" You bluffed, knowing that you were bad at lying as you felt flustered wth just his name being mentioned.

"Hm, it seems that the boy next door that you saw shirtless through your window seems to be quite the cliché love story," Junpei said as you clenched your fists at what he just said.

"T-Take that back..," you said, realizing that you just stuttered, which is enough as a hunt for Junpei.

"Uh huh. I won't at this rate. I'll keep that in my mind that you and Izuki are dating," Junpei said as your jaw dropped.

"N-No! It's not like that I-" you cut yourself off when you realized that Junpei had hung up already.

"Neji Hyūga," you muttered and out away your phone and grabbed one of the mangas that was lying around your room, as if it was waiting to be read.

You soon realized that you have read it before, and it was a great anime plot. So you decided to read it again, listening to your favorite music while you were alone in your room, e housing the silence, quietness, and peacefulness in your room.

Then you heard a loud horn honk outside...

You look out through your window and saw that it was Izuki with an air horn in his hand.

"Y/N! Wanna go out again?" He asked as you looked at your clock and saw how late it was, your parents would freak if you went out of the house this late, so you shook your head.

"It's late right now," You said as Izuki shrugged, probably thinking of a pun for this situation

"It wouldn't be late if we left now," Izuki said as you muffled a laugh and shook your head.

"Strict parents," you told him from across the window as he threw a paper plane into your room that you thought would hit you in the eyes.

It landed right on your bed as you went to pick it up and unfolded it to read what it said.

Come with me to see how I see you
See the stars

You blushed and faced Izuki from the other side of your house as he pointed to the sky, where the stars were already glistening.

"Are you sure? It's just, a walking distance away," Izuki told you as you gave up, sighing and nodding in agreement.

"I don't look at the stars much, anymore. I just see them in constellation books or something," you admitted, wondering why you don't ever remember seeing the stars, even when you were little.

"Great! I'll pick you up!" Izuki exclaimed and shut his window closed, grabbing a hoodie and left his room. You sighed, taking a bag with you and your phone as you heard a little kid's voice say something in your head.

"Hey! Hey! The stars look SOOO pretty tonight! Pretty like Y/N, don't cha think?"

You shrugged off the little kid's voice and saw Izuki at your front door and you slightly waved at him.

"The stars are SOOO pretty tonight! Pretty like you Y/N, don't cha think?" Izuki asked you as you blushed, nodding.

"W-Well the stars are beautiful, not me..," you said as Izuki scoffed.

"Ahem, you shine brighter than the sun, Pun Princess, and I could be the eagle, soaring through the sky, while you would be the light of my day," Izuki said, taking your hand as you blushed even more, covering your mouth.

"U-Um...wh-why don't we just see the stars now?" you asked as Izuki nodded, and the two of you walked through the sidewalk.

You could not help but think, the voice in your head could have been Izuki as a kid. Besides that, you shook your head, remembering you had no memories of your childhood.

Though without childhood, you felt as if there was a piece missing in your life.

I Forgot The Pun (Shun Izuki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now