Chapter 7

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In silence, you saw as Junpei and Riko were happily chatting with each other as Izuki was once again, telling puns that sounded as if he got them from a Laffy taffy candy, which he mostly did.

"Also. L/N-San. I would like to ask you a favor," Riko asked you as you raised your eyebrows, putting down my chopsticks.

"Me? Nande?" You asked as Riko glanced at Hyūga for a second.

"Well, you see, Hyūga recommended you to be assistant coach."

"EH?! B-But, I'm bad at basketball!" You exclaimed as Riko shook her head, facing Junpei with an expression of confusion.

"You never explained why you chose her, Hyūga," Riko said as Junpei picked up a plate and took out his chopsticks.

"Well, her intelligence in PE is compatible. I mean, she is an indoor person but she can calculate the moves with her brain if things do not go as well," Junpei said.

"But...why?" You asked as Izuki shrugged.

"Maybe because she laughs at my puns which makes her different," Izuki said as you chuckled.

"Baka," you muttered.

"Also, being assistant coach will give you hours, so you won't have to do volunteer work," Riko said as you nodded in agreement.

"Deal," you ended up saying.

"Did you hear about the guy that cut off his left arm?" Izuki asked as Junpei and Riko rolled their eyes.

"No..," you muttered as Izuki grinned.

"He was in the hospital for a few days, but ended up all right."

"Godamnit Izuki go die," Junpei said as Riko face palmed herself.

"W-Wait you may not want to say that in front of Y/N," Izuki said as you nodded, the memory going back to your head.

"I'm not gonna make pun intended.."

"What? Izuki go die?" Junpei asked as Izuki nodded, you covered your ears and stared at the moving plates.

"Sumimasen, Y/N!" Junpei exclaimed as you chuckled.

"You didn't know about it, so it's not your fault," you said as Riko put a hand on your shoulder.

"Are you okay? Is there, something that happened to you, L/N-San?" Riko asked as you shrugged.

"I-I don't really like talking about it," you said as Riko nodded, getting a plate of sushi for herself.

"So I have the papers for you to fill out and turn into the principal by Monday," Riko said, handing you stapled pieces of paper as you nodded, putting it in your bag as you and Izuki sat there in silence, which was rare, and Junpei and Riko were happily chatting away.

"So..," Izuki said awkwardly.

"So..," you repeated after him.

"I'm sorry," you ended up saying at the same time as you covered your mouth.

"Wait, what for?" Izuki asked confused.

"For...making you worry! I mean, with the dream and stuff. And that day, when I should have let you walk with me. Izuki don't act like I don't see your hand bandaged," you said as Izuki shook his head, smiling.

I Forgot The Pun (Shun Izuki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now