Chap 5:Did I See What I Just Saw?

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Annabeth's POV:
What I saw was the one and only Percy Jackson slumped against what was I assumed his locker crying like that was end of his strong facade and he just let everything out,but the most painful thing was seeing that he was bleeding a bit and looked like he was in a fair amount of pain.As I got closer I noticed he was shaking as if he was going into a state of panic and if I didn't get him to calm down I was sure he was going to have a panic attack.

So as I kneeled beside his slumped figure I did the one thing I never thought I would do, I hugged him and noticed that he faced me and blushed but I didn't pay much attention to it.I then started whispering soothing words to him until the shaking subsided and all I heard was sniffing and that when I noticed the black eye but chose not to ask about it but my curiosity was getting the better of me.Although I did ask the question about why he's in the situation he's in

"Percy what happened?Why're you bleeding and on the floor, and more importantly why did you miss your classes.All I got in return was one name.


Now if I remembered correctly Luke was a all-time bully and a jerk with the biggest ego,and he was also a player having a new girlfriend every week which was absolutely disgusting in my opinion,but it was at that moment that I realized something and that really made me MAD!Luke and all his goons did this to Percy and I was about to get up and murder them with my bare hands when Percy grabbed my arm refusing to let me get up and said

"Don't you'll only make them mad and believe me they would hit you girl or no girl.Just leave it be Annaneth what's done is done and I'm fine now.Let's just head to class"

and that was only when I remembered that something called school existed and I rushed to get to my class knowing I was already late but not before giving Percy another hug for comfort and noticed he visibly flinched and I mentally face palmed forgetting he was hurt because of those no good egotistic jerks.

'But those weren't the only reasons and I didn't know that...'

Percy's POV:
As Annabeth hugged me I couldn't help but blush hoping she didn't notice,but I also visibly flinched at the hug because of the new bruises that was sure to pop up here and there,the result of bullying.Also because of the pretty painful beating I received yesterday and was surprised when she meaning Annebth didn't ask me about the black eye that I knew she was dying to ask.I was genuinely happy when Annabeth gave me comfort,but I knew I couldn't get attached to her or else it would complicate things even more.

That could and would also result in Annabeth knowing about my well hidden secret and it wouldn't really be a secret if it was out,so I really had to have a good excuse when Annaneth decides to ask me about my black eye and I would not let her get too close to me.

'That would only result in a more severe beating and I wouldn't want that now would I' I thought bitterly.

Clearly shaken up I just decided to goto class and hopefully I would be able to tune everything out and just maybe perhaps catch a nap or something.So as I got to my class I noticed a lot of stares maybe some glares and a lot of whispering and pointing,but I didn't let that effect me because I really didn't care at this point.As the teacher scolded me for being late I just sighed and nodded and tuned everything out until I heard


and that's when all hell broke lose I not only yelled at my teacher for giving me detention I cussed and cussed than walked out the room just like that eliciting gasps and shocked stares.I also noticed that Annabeth had wide eyes and her jaw dropped.As I was about to walk out I said

"close your mouth Annabeth you just might catch flies"

and just like that I walked out from my class and stepped into the hallways once again with a triumphant grin on my face.Awhile after though that's when my resolve broke and my grin quickly turned into a frown just as over a hundred thoughts ran across my mind at once

'I can't be late again to arrive home no!''What would Gabe think about this''I wonder how cool I looked when I walked out like that''I wonder how badly will I get beaten this time''I wonder how detention with Annabeth be like'

As I was deep into my thoughts I didn't realize I've been walking around for a pretty long while and walked straight into Annabeth.We both tumbled to the floor her books dropping to the floor as well and I managed to stutter out

"S-sorry Annabeth I really wasn't looking at where I was going please don't kill me"

because I knew her love for books even if she was a blonde.Annabeth just simply got up dusted herself off and handed me her hand and simple said

"Grab my hand and get up Percy."

Than she asked me the worlds stupidest question

"Are you ready for detention"

I just gave her my deadliest glare and groaned

"I can't have detention anytime just not this time!Agh, it's like fate is against me!"

"Stop your whining Seaweed Brain and let's go"

She grabbed my arm and dragged me to where detention was and as I noticed what she called me was a supposed to be insult I didn't comment on it cause to be honest I kinda liked my new future nickname,but that's just between me and you.As we arrived at detention, I couldn't help but noticed that. . .

*** A/N ***
So there's your long chapter and please don't complain because by the time I finished writing,reviewing and published this chapter it's 5 AM! Also enjoy your sort of cliffy.But if it is than Yay Me!!
Also I apologize if the characters are a bit OOC it's just that I always had trouble writing how a specific character behaves and acts so forgive me and I promise I'll fix it soon! ALSO NO UPDATES ON WEEKEND EVERRRRRR SO YOU GUYS WILL JUST HAVE TO WAIT!!! Haha!
-Janice Out

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