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*A/n: Thanks for 100 views and so for a early thank you gift you get an early update!!

Percy's POV:
What I saw was the Luke Castellan also in the same detention class as us and as he spotted me he immediately narrowed his eyes at me and I immediately glared back not backing down.As we were having a glare down Annabeth caught on quickly and followed my gaze unfortunately leading to Luke's ugly face and placed a comforting hand upon my shoulders warning me to calm down.

The teacher that was so unfortunate and had to stay here for detention to supervise told us to sit down and told us to take out our homework and just do it until told otherwise.

I immediately dragged Annabeth furthest away from Luke because I didn't like one bit how Luke was checking her out but who am I too judge me and Annabeth barely know eachother.As we sat down Annabeth almost immediately brought out her books to study and I tried to do the same(key word 'tried'),but as I tried to study I couldn't even make out a single word all the words were looking like smudges and my ADHD definitely made no attempt to help out.I think Annabeth noticed my struggle because she asked me what's wrong

"I've got dyslexia and ADHD and this small font really isn't helping" I stated bluntly

Annabeth just laughed it off and said

"Seaweed Brain I've got both ADHD and dyslexia too and I know how hard it is you want me to help?"

To say I was at first shocked finding this out would be an understatement.Then I nodded eagerly and decided to ignore the heat rushing to my cheeks as I heard her laugh and her calling me that new nickname,but that's when things went down hill from there.As Annabeth tried(key word once again 'tried') to help me.

Luke walked over and started flirting with Annabeth completely ignoring the fact I was right beside her so I also ignored the fact he was there.Although as he continued to flirt with Annabeth I couldn't help but notice he was getting closer and closer and Annabeth seemed beyond uncomfortable so I stood up and gave Luke a small shove and said

"shove off you piece of trash can't you see that Annabeth's not interested"

"what's the matter Jackson you jealous I can get a girl and you can't, and don't you know what Luke wants Luke gets"

"I'm not jealous 'Castellan' your just too close and she is clearly uncomfortable and now I'm not asking you I'm telling you to go back to your seat and sit your ass down"

I spat out not bothering to hide the rising anger(A/n: Did that count as a Persassy moment?) and that's when Luke decided he had enough and launched his fist at me that definitely met its target(meaning my poor poor guts).Although thanks to the daily beatings I learned a thing or two and seeing that the teacher was clearly not caring I quickly sent a fist back at Luke's gut and than kicked him where no guy should be kicked and heard a satisfying groan of pain I immediately got into a stance in case he was gonna send a fist back at me.

Annabeth's POV:
After seeing the fact that Percy had kicked Luke in the place where no guy wants to be kicked and had basically stood up for me.I immediately got over my initial shock and decided to calm Percy down before he got into trouble if he went any further.

As I got closer I noticed Percy was basically radiating off with hate and rage for Luke and seeing Percy angry was a very scary thing because Percy seems to be one of those laid-back happy go lucky guys so I was determined to calm him down,as I tentatively placed a hand upon his shoulders he immediately flinched which was weird in my opinion seeing that Luke didn't manage to get any solid hits on Percy to do serious damage.

"Percy calm down before you get in trouble and release those fists of yours now"

"I don't care if I get in trouble, Luke needs to be taught a lesson and I'd be gladly the one to teach it to him" he replied angrily.

I just sighed knowing he was still angry and walked to ask our teacher if detention was over and he just carelessly said

"yeah sure whatever just go"

"thanks" I muttered, looked at the clock and noticed it was a early 3:45 and than walked back over to the still angry Percy.I ignored Luke glaring daggers on purpose.

"Percy detentions over go pack your things and we're heading over to my place to relax and study, because you clearly are in need of all the help you can get with your studies."

I walked past Percy and started putting my stuff in my bag and saw Percy do the same except he was just stuffing his stuff in his bag clearly still angry and grumbling something about like

"Stupid..Said no..Dead..Luke..Kill him..." and heard a sigh of frustration.I quickly dragged Percy to my car and he just stared dumbfounded as to how I have a car so I playfully shoved him and said "get in." As we were driving to my place I couldn't help but notice the tension and asked

"Percy what's wrong?"

"I'm basically following a stranger to her house,Annabeth we barely know eachother"

"Well let's change that right now"


"Let's play 20 Questions and I'll start:Favourite Colour?Mines Grey"

"Blue.Whats your hobby?Mines is that I like to go swimming or just have a nice nap"

"I love a good book, I also love to draw and not to brag but I'm good at it"

"why'd you call me Seaweed Brain?"

"Well obviously you have seaweed for brains with the intellectual you have and now you tell me you like swimming so I'd say I found the name fitting" I smirked playfully and he mock glared than pouted and I hate to have to admit it but he looked kinda cute

"Whatever Wise Girl, you know cause you love books"

"That's not even a insult Seaweed Brain and wow look at that we're here,also try not to freak out when you meet my family because their just being my family"

"Il try my best although no promises" he said playfully

I sighed quickly checked the time and realized it's barely past four and got out of the car. Percy quickly followed my example and as I grabbed my keys out of my bag and put it in the doorknob and twisted it.

"Welcome to the Chase Household" I sighed because it was gonna be a long while. . .
*** A/n ***
SOOOO how was that readers?Was that good enough because believe me this chapter certainly took longer than the rest especially because for a while I forgot Annaneth and Percy know nothing about eachother because they just met days ago so I just had to put that part in there at some point and did it sooner rather than later.I've also started on the next chapter so be prepared to be blown away!

What's your secret? (PERCABETH HIGHSCHOOL AU)Where stories live. Discover now