Chap 10: As Good As New

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Percy's POV:
As me and Annabeth began walking back to her place to get me fixed up I had to unfortunately lean most of my weight on her and felt bad because I knew she didn't sign up for this and she most definitely didn't ask for the trouble in the process of being my friend.I also was nervous because I knew Annabeth would want a explanation sooner or later as to why I'm in the condition I'm in now and I'm about fifty-percent sure I'd get questions from Annabeth's family the moment I walk in through the door to why their daughter/sister had to drag me back to her house to get patched up.That would also most likely make Annabeth's dad hate me and think maybe I'm a bad guy or something and maybe the worst case scenario is that he'll think I'm one of those selfish,egoistic,rude jerks that's all in for drugs,beers,gangs, and cigarettes....Then I'll lose any sort of hope to being with Annabeth,wait where'd that thought come from,do I like Annabeth?!

'Great' I thought sarcastically.Just blame it on the ADHD for now.

My nervousness was making my ADHD act up during the walk back and it didn't help that we were getting so many stares and whispers,I'm getting the jitters!While we were walking I noticed I could see Annabeth's house in view and was getting more nervous by the second and I swear I'm sweating as though I ran a marathon,definitely not good and the walk was awkward because we didn't talk and she was just stealing peeks at me.I think I'm rambling, am I?I think,maybe..

Anyways when we were finally at the steps of her place,Annabeth's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?What did you say?"

"I said don't worry about my family they're out,leaving me home alone..again" she said sombrely and I remembered her family was a sore subject for her.

"Oh,well that makes it easier doesn't it?You won't look like you murdered me and had to drag my body to your place to cover the evidence and then dig me a grave in your backyard" I said jokingly but apparently it wasn't funny because she said sharply

"How can you joke about this Seaweed Brain?Your battered,bruised,and bleeding.I really don't find this situation joke worthy"

I just looked down embarrassed with a hint of shame on my face and so we kept walking silently into her place.

We entered her house and I still can't help but be once again fascinated by the style,the build of the house,the space,the neatness,everything!I can definitely say that I envy Annabeth a little because while she has all this, I only just have a little dump back home I call my room.Annabeth basically dragged me upstairs into one of the bathrooms and she had me take off my now bloody shirt along with my hat and although at first I was reluctant but one glance into Annabeth's eyes and I knew she wasn't leaving any space for a debate and that she'd actually take up my offer at the beginning and dig me my grave in her backyard.

She tried to stifle her gasp when she saw the bloody bandages,the cuts,the bruises,the horrible condition my skin was in,and I could tell after staring awhile longer she tried to advert her gaze as much as possible to anywhere besides my torso.So I tried to give her one of my signature troublemaker grins and then sighed and sat down at the edge of a bathtub.

She just told me to wait here awhile as she went to get some medical supplies and ice pack and she also told me to clean up a bit if I wanted too.So that's exactly what I did,I stood up and went to the sink to first wash my face and hands.

Annabeth's POV:
Seeing Percy like that was just scary because I'd never imagine him in the condition he is in right now,who would do this to him he's the most selfless person I have ever met and also the kindest being too.His loyalty and selflessness is definitely going to be the end of him one day.He also has one of the best attitude and personality and plus in a word he's just simply hot and he's got everything in what your looking for in a guy basically,he's sort of your one of a kind person I guess.

Wow.. I wonder where that came from,just thinking of Percy seemed to make my heart beat faster and make heat rise up to my cheeks.

Back to the matter at hands though,I roamed around the house looking for the First Aid Kit and I grabbed a ice pack from the freezer and I grabbed him a pop from the fridge just in case he wanted a drink.

I also hoped Percy didn't forget he owe's me an explanation because he can't just simply not come to school,worry me to death,then let me find him all bloodied and bruised on a park bench,and then come to my house to get patched up.That is just simply not how it works and he better have a pretty good explanation.

I went back upstairs to check on Percy and to begin bandaging him up and I noticed his skin looked more clear because he actually listened to me for once and washed up and you could now see each injury more accurately and I really felt bad because I'd have to apply rubbing ancho to each wound.

"Percy sit down on the edge of the bathtub and brace yourself for a lot of stinging and pain" I said

"Don't worry Wise Girl I'm the strongest and I'm not scared of some little sting,plus it can't be that bad" He said and gave me a reassuring smile

"If you say so Seaweed Brain,just warning you"

Let's just say Percy was not happy that his pride was damaged and that I didn't even know a boy voice could go that high.

After a while we went downstairs to watch a movie and so that I could put Percy's shirt in the washing machine while he wore one of my dad's Tshirts which was one or two sizes too big.So while I was gone Percy pretty much helped himself to my kitchen and got all the snacks and started stuffing his face.

I just looked at him when I came back and couldn't help but grin smugly.

"Who said you could help yourself to my kitchen and more importantly my snacks,I thought I told you too only put on a movie"

With his mouth still full of some snack he said "Erm..Uhm..I was hungry and wanted food but your kitchen was calling to me so Uhm...yea.." He grinned sheepishly.

I laughed and dragged him too the couch where the movie was starting too just begin and plopped him beside me.

After a while into the movie I asked him the dreaded question "so how'd the bruises and cuts happen,and don't you dare lie to me Percy I'm dead serious"

He looked at me in the eye unintimidated by my famous grey-eyed glare and said "I can't tell you WiseGirl,I just can't please don't make me" and what I saw in his amazing sea-green eyes were anguish,pain,and sadness,and anything from the happy,joyful,funny Percy so I had no choice but to just nod and accept that he'll hopefully tell me the truth later on.

I'm not really sure what happened next to be honest but I think I fell asleep with the movie on,but I can't be sure because the next time I woke up was in my bed with no sign of Percy.

I instantly panicked because my mind was jumping the the worst case scenarios but I forced myself to breath and just thought that he just probably went home or something which really peeved me but I was thankful and touched because even though he was that seriously injured he took the effort and time to walk up all those evil stairs and place me in my bed to make me more comfortable.

Then I thought 'OH NO DID MY DAD SEE HIM,WHAT'D MY DAD DO,WHERE'S MY FAMILY,ARE THEY HOME' and I immediately got up and ready.

A/n: Thank you all for being so patient and hopefully some of you are still keeping track of this book.I'm really once again sorry and that I'm having a little bit of a tough time with this story but I really hope for ideas and criticism.Remember to Comment,Read,Criticize!
-Janice Out

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