If you noticed

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So if any of you guys maybe noticed I've made slight changes to every single one of the chapters,you know like maybe a extra word or adding words to make it sound better and also every chapter was rechecked for spelling errors.I also made sure all the chapters more 'comment friendly' for you guys in case you wanna comment and believe me that process took a while.

Also on a completely different note you guys may have noticed that my updates are slow and believe me I've got a completely valid reason for this; I've got a little bit of WRITER'S BLOCK.I have no idea where I want to take this story and I realized just how crappy my writing was in this story.

I'm also noticing the lack of votes,comments,reads,and interest of you guys.I'm not complaining or anything because I'm completely thankful for the fact I even have readers and it means a lot but I'm really hoping for a way to spread this story and so anyone have ideas?I would also love some constructive criticism so that I can help peak more readers interest.

Also btw do you guys want Thaluke in the story?Or Thalico? You know somehow make the egoistic jerk Luke turn good or something and date Thalia??Or make Thalia and Nico realize their hidden feelings and somehow realize how similar they are??

I myself am leaning on Thalico but I know in the series it's 'SOLANGELO' so I'm terribly sorry if your a 'SOLANGELO' shipper but there's none of that here.

Or another option is that they just might remain loners.. 

I'm also truly about the many Authors Notes you guys have to keep reading and having to listen to my pathetic and petty excuses.I really am sorry but I promise everything will go back to normal and soon you'll be getting quicker updates,less excuses,and more writing in each chapter!Not sure how long until that though,but I'll keep you posted.

-Janice Out

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