Chapter Twelve

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I couldn't help it. I had to update it :)

The next morning, Niall woke up to Liam shaking him.

“Niall,” Liam said quickly. “We have to get going. It is ten-thirty, and I was thinking we could stop at McDonald’s on the way there and get some breakfast. I figured you’d want to eat, after consuming three plates of Mrs. Tomlinson’s spaghetti last night.”

Niall smiled at that. He quickly got up, and looked at Louis, who was peacefully sleeping. He made way to wake up his boyfriend, when Liam stopped him. “Don’t,” Liam whispered. “Let him sleep.” Niall only nodded, and then walked over to the loveseat, as if he was thinking he could go back to sleep, but Liam stopped him.

During the night, Niall had insisted that Liam take the loveseat, but Liam hadn’t wanted to. When Liam pointed out that Niall would be more comfortable on the loveseat than Liam, considering how the bleached-blonde boy was smaller than the taller brunette, Niall couldn’t find a decent argument with that, so he simply sighed, and consented with sleeping on the loveseat. Liam slept on the floor, further away from the bed, because Louis asked Niall to pull the couch over next to the bed so Niall could sleep closer. Niall didn’t think Liam liked that too much, in case something were to happen to Louis’s heart rate or breathing in the middle of the night, because then it would be hard to help him at all.

Liam and Niall hopped into the red cab of Niall’s pickup truck, and Niall started the engine. He was glad it was a soft engine, and did not roar to life, as it used to. He had fixed it after his older brother, Greg, had passed it down onto him once Niall got his license. Otherwise, the engine had been super loud, and extremely annoying.

They pulled out of the driveway, and Liam helped Niall out with where to go, and keeping Niall awake. When they arrived at McDonald’s, however, Niall seemed to snap right awake. He called out his order, four Egg McMuffins, two large Diet Cokes, and then Liam’s order, one Egg McMuffin, and a McCafe. When they pulled up to the pay-window, Niall handed over fifteen euros, and then they pulled up to the window where they handed the food over. The lady peered into the truck, as though she was expecting there to be more than just Niall and Liam in the truck.

Niall gave the lady a dirty look, and she quickly handed over their food. Niall could’ve sworn he caught her giving her the finger as they pulled away though.

“Rude service,” Niall commented. “That’s why I like Nandos. There, they’re proud to serve with a smile.”

“I think she thought we were pigs,” Liam said. “After all, you did order two Diet Cokes.”

“So?” Niall asked. “Nandos would be expecting that.”

“I’m taking it you go to Nandos a lot?”

“Nandos is the best,” Niall replied, in a way that he hoped would make Liam realize he was asking a stupid question, and that the conversation was closed.

They didn’t really talk that much anymore as Niall munched on his food and tried driving at the same time. Somehow, Niall was able to finish his four McMuffins, and one Diet Coke before Liam finished his one McMuffin, and McCafe. They stopped at both Liam and Niall’s houses quick to change, and by then, it was nearing quarter to noon. At five to noon, they pulled into the parking lot in the hospital, and Liam got out of the truck. He then waited for Niall, who quickly grabbed his last remaining Diet Coke, which was still surprisingly three-quarters full.

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