Chapter 3

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It was finally Friday. Chase hadn't been picking her up because the rain had stopped for z few days and she didn't come out on time. But now the storms were back and it was horrible outside. The clouds were more of a black/grey color. And the wind was so strong that she barely could stand in place. She only weighed 110 pounds so it was no wonder she couldn't brace herself.

Macy was being moody on that particular day. And for some reason she wanted to go outside in the rain. She would stand at the door waiting for Carly to open it. Carly never did. Friday, this was wonderful. She had classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. One day off from school, and she worked all day in the book store. Hardly no one came in that day. Wouldn't blame them though. Wednesday was the night that the Fret party  was going on. And She didn't go because She was to mature for those. They get drunk, dance on tables or run around naked, and then pass out.

She got dressed in a pair of black silk leggings and a long black and grey striped t-shirt. She wore her high tops again.  Her hair was put up. She done her makeup. The usual things she did.

When she walked outside in the rain, her professor was waiting in his cobalt for her.  She smiled when she seen him. It was all of 50 degrees outside and she only had one leather jacket. And she was glad to see him. She opened the car and he began to smile.

"Bout time you got here," she laughed. He laughed  too. The only thing was, today she was about to discover a new power.

"So what's on the agenda today Sir," she asked. He chuckled.

"Today we are going to the Greek Mythology museum, it would be a great experience for the class, oh and one more thing," he said, stopping at a red light and grabbing a book from his glove department.

"This is yours, for our class it starts next week at 2 don't be late," he said. I took the book from him. It was brown with engraved writing that was ancient but the text inside was in English. It was small but thick. At least 200 pages.

When they pulled up the bus was there waiting for them. She took her phone out and made a picture of the book cover. He never questioned it. He knew she was going to find it online. iPhones are good for keeping data.

When she got out, Sam was staring at her. He was a jerk. He flirted with every girl and he didn't care about anyone but him. He was conceited and arrogant.

"Well what do we have here," he said coming to her, Chase was getting on the bus.

"Out of my way creep," she said he wouldn't budge. She finally had to shove him back to get around him.

When she got on the bus Chase was in the front. She sat one seat back from him. It was strange but she seen him as more than a teacher. He was a friend and he was special. He was the one person who she knew she could talk to.

"Well," Sam said before sitting beside her. Chase looked back and seen him.

"Mr, Newport, I see you've been introduced to our new book club member miss Carly Watson," he said. Wait a second, he was in the club.

"Oh, well looks like we'll have plenty of face to face time then," he said getting up. Carly grunted. Sam went to the back. Chase chuckled.

"Don't let him bug you, he's just a comedian who likes to pick on everyone," he did. She nodded and began looking out the window. Chase continued to look at her. Out of all the students he befriends Carly and she wonders why.

The trip didn't take but twenty minutes. Once they pulled up in front of the museum they all went one by one. The first ones to exit were Carly and Chase. Sam was next in line because he shoved everyone. There were twelve students on this trip. There were sixteen all together but for some reason four were missing.

"Did you hear," Carly heard a voice speak, "There was a body found out by the docks, apparently Susan Burks was walking home late last night, and she was mauled up bad."

What?! Something or someone is killing people at night outside out of sight.

"I heard there were two, David Kingsley and Susan Burks," another voice said. Wait, they were suppose to be here in class today. Oh no, they were murdered.

"Mr. Danford, I just overheard two people talking about two students murdered last night, one on the docks," Carly said. He looked at her in surprise. She looked at him in shock. He hadn't heard about this.

"Carly don't repeat anything but, I heard a man today while getting coffee, he said the same thing that you just told and worse, they were in our class," Chase said. Carly was, scared. She walked home by herself from the bookstore at night. It was only a few blocks away, but she didn't want to be murdered. What's worse, it was two kids from history and maybe four.

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