Chapter 6

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When Carly woke up, Macy was in her face. She was trying to tell her she was hungry. Aside from the fact Macy wasn't a normal cat, she ate normal food. Another reason Carly loved Macy so much. The main reason was because she was there when her folks passed away. Macy had been her best friend. And besides the ideal of Macy trying to be like a human, Carly could talk to her. She felt a connection to Macy.

Carly's father had been killed several months ago, in fact it had been almost two years. Carly had no idea what happened. She came in from school one night to see her father had bloody hands and a bloody face. His abdomen was covered in clothes so she didn't see if he been shot or stabbed. She thought maybe he was attacked by an animal or someone who like to play dirty. He looked Mauled.

Her mother was passed away at 48. She looked so young at that age almost as if she hadn't aged at all. Carly was 13. Carly was taught at the age 11 to handle her power. To suppress it from the world. And that's what she did. Her mother always warned her of the dangers she would face. Being the only child was a gift itself. There were never two born of a Harrison. It was not for told that way.

Carly didn't know it yet but by the time she turned 25 she would be completed with power. She'd be the only one in the Harrison line being the 5th, to have a baby at 23. She was about to turn 22. So she had no idea what was about to happen to her.

Chase was 27. His foretold ancestors were powerful too. Unlike Carly's ability to move things with her mind and being able to see through the unseen, he could read minds and walk through solid objects. A power that was altogether unique. They had one power in common, the power of darkness. Carly wore dark clothes because she stayed up half the night, and that's why she over slept a lot. Chase stayed up all night but was on time. The reason, they were born of dark ancestral beings.

Sam was like them, only he could control people, who were weak. He couldn't control Carly she had seen to much and been through a lot. Chase was immune to his power, he could read minds it done Sam no good to try. But there was one person he couldn't read, Carly. Her being able to move things with her mind also blocked him and Sam out.

"Damn, I'm late for work," she groaned looking at the clock. 9:20am. The store was suppose to be open twenty minutes ago.

"Macy I'd better think up a good reason for being late again," she said jumping out of bed. She slipped on a pair of dark but cut jeans, her black convoy boots, and a black T-shirt that had the Rolling Stones. She brushed through her wavy hair. She ran to the kitchen, phone in hand, and grabbed a bagel.

Beep. She heard. It was her phone. She looked to see two new messages. One from the manager.

"Please take a day off today, I'll handle everything."

She didn't reply. She grunted and looked at the other message. She seen it was from Chase. She looked at the message carefully.

"Good morning Carly, just checking on you to make sure you made it home."

She simply replied, "I'm home and safe thank you."

She waited for a few minutes when he actually replied back and this time he was asking her to go get coffee or Starbucks. She smiled thinking how wonderful a Starbucks would be. She replied to him telling him she would meet him there in fifteen. She lived right around the block from Starbucks. They had three in NYC.

She grabbed her bag, and headed for the door.

Chase was waiting for her in a booth on the far side. She smiled when she seen him. He didn't have a coffee yet so maybe he was waiting for her. She walked over to him placing her bag beside her in the seat. He grinned at her.

"Hi," she said sitting down.

"Hey there, glad you're okay," he said pointing to her arm. It barely even hurt now. She didn't even notice it. There was no pain.

"Oh yeah just a scratch my mom always said that if you don't feel pain you aren't alive," she told him. He nodded to her.

"Clever woman," he said. She nodded. A lady came over to the booth. The must have started waitressing.

"Can I get you two fine children anything today," she asked in a Tennessee accent. Hmm? Carly thought back to her mother, she looked a lot like her but, she sounded nothing like her. She continued to stare at her for what seemed like forever.

"Miss," the waitress said brining Carly back to life. She read her name tag, 'Margie.'

"I'm sorry it's just you look so much like my mother," Carly spoke. Margie smiled at her.

"Well you tell your mother that she had one beautiful girl," Margie told her. Funny thing was her moms name was Marcy.

"She passed away a few years ago," Carly said her voice breaking. Margie and Chase both had sympathetic looks on their face.

"I'm sorry to hear that doll," Margie said. Carly shrugged it off and began ordering.

"I'll have a double caramel latte with extra whip cream and a hint of peppermint," she said. Wow not much on regular mochas.

"I'll have the iced mocha, with double fudge, and no whip cream," Chase said. Margie excused herself.

"Carly, you never said nothing about not having your mother," Chase said. She shrugged at him.

"It's nothing I am just silent when it comes to family deceased," she told him. He nodded and look one hand in his own. She looked up at him. He smiled showing a little white.

"Here ya are," Margie said sitting the drinks down and waving by.

Good thing, Chase was dad feeling for Carly. He shouldn't have been. And Carly was getting feelings for Chase.

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