Chapter 15

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The next morning everyone had been up, listening to police reports. Apparently, people were going crazy all over Manhattan. Stores were being robbed. Roads were blocked by traffic jams. And the skies were relatively dark. It was as if the whole city of Manhattan was having a riot. But Carly knew better. It was Darvis. His wrath had made everyone in the city think they were criminals. Darkness was falling across the city. And if Darvis had his way, across the whole world.

"You guys we need to start training it's getting worse out there the world will soon be in chaos," Carly said. Sam agreed sitting down beside her. She smiled at him. They were loud and all trying to discuss matters. Sylvia and Brock thought they were ready to face him. Sam and Kali knew they needed to train. But everyone was talking at once and it was creating havoc.

"ENOUGH," Carly yelled. Chase looked at her with the up most respect. Everyone went still.

"We need to start acting like a team I mean Sam you're right we aren't prepared for what could happen, I'm sorry Brock and Sylvia but it's to dangerous to o in head strong, we can't do it," She said. Sylvia got mad at her.

"Since when are you head of this little line of soldiers, since when did you get to be leader," she spoke to Carly. Carly decided to let her have it.

"Since I was attacked by him twice, I know we can't take him on, we aren't strong enough," she said. Sam had no idea she'd been attacked and he worried if she'd continue to not say anything.

"You know what Carly, attacked or not doesn't give you the right to decide with the others, we don't need a small headed girl coming in here telling us what to do," Sylvia said, "In fact it's time for a new leader, who votes Mr. Danford new leader."

"Now wait a minute," Chase said, "I agree with Carl's a hundred percent, we can't take him on without proper training, believe it or not, we are not ready yet."

"You know what fine, Miss high and mighty can lead us, but as far as training don't even think about telling us what to do," she said. Carly shrugged her shoulders.

Sylvia and Brock were upset. They didn't talk at all for the remainder of the day. Sam and Carly say in the kitchen thinking up good ways to defeat Darvis. Chase went out to buy lunch for them. He had been to a pizza parlor. One cheese pizza and two pepperoni.

When he got back he seen Sam and Carly in the kitchen together. He felt another pans of jealousy. He almost told Sam to leave but he didn't. He was going to say it in a nice tone of voice. And he knew Carly would see if he said anything.

"Go get the others Sam," Chase spoke. Sam rose from his seat and walked out of the kitchen. Carly was under so much stress she didn't know if she was coming or going. She began to stand up but her leg got caught under the table. She almost hit the floor when she felt two warm and strong hands grab her. She looked up to see Chase. He caught her.

"Thanks," she said. He nodded at her. He kept her in that position looking into her eyes for a minute. She looked back into his. She realized then she was falling for him. He'd been kind to her. Never a bad word to her. He was always there for her when she needed someone. She heard footsteps approaching and quickly jumped up fixing herself.

"So anyway, like I said before, we need to train properly, use our powers and-"

"Hi guys," Carly spoke up. Sam was speaking about training to Kali. They both waved at her. When Sylvia and Brock walked in they were less angry. They grabbed two plates and two slices of pizza from the pepperoni box. Carly ate cheese pizza. And so did Chase. He didn't do pepperoni. The other did.

After dinner, they took turns taking a shower. Two bathrooms six people. Plus Macy but they hadn't seen her in a while. Carly wondered where she was. And while wandering where she could be, her phone vibrated. She didn't see a number on but picked up anyway.

"Hello," she answered. Chase looked at her until the man spoke.

"Hello Carly, it's me your grandfather," Max spoke.

"Grandpa hi, what's wrong," she asked knowing when something was the matter was a gift.

"Well, I need to talk to you but not here, can we meet somewhere around eight tonight," he asked. Oh no it was seven. She looked at Chase he knew what she was going to ask and nodded.

"Yes meet me at mine and my friends house, we can talk here I'll let you write down the address," she said. He grabbed pen and paper and she told him where to come to.

A few minutes past everyone was full. They waited for her grandfather to show up. At eight-ten there was a knock on the door. Chase opened it and have him a simple handshake. Max smiled. He was so happy that he's finally get to talk to her.

They walked past everyone so he could take a seat in the recliner chair. When he got comfortable he began to speak to them.

"A few days ago I reviewed a letter I had gotten. This letter was from you mother a while back," he said handing Carly the letter. "Now I saw something that I wished I noticed before, on it is a date, if you can see the date, you'll know what I know."

Carly studied the date on the letter. Since Carly's mom was supposed to have been killed June, of 2007, the letter date made no since. The date at the top said August of 2007. So, that meant-

"My mother is alive."

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