Chapter 17

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Three days had gone by so quickly. School was called into session again. Macy enrolled for the semester. Which was odd considering she was a cat. Carly and Chase had barely spoke. Since that night. Chase didn't want her to feel obligated to pity him. She knew why he wasn't speaking. He just didn't care.

Sam had been training every day since that night, twice a day. Sylvia and Kali were getting along better and with Brock training as well, they got reading done. Trying to find this ancient beings weakest spot other then what they knew, was tough. What they could have said or done to him wouldn't be enough.

Carly was in her history class working on an assignment. She had been given a task by her grandfather to study the Harrison's line, and jot down anything that would help them. But Chase didn't want her to do that in his class. But he didn't say anything because he wasn't talking to her.

"You know Chase is just ignoring because he don't want sympathy," Macy said to her silently. Carly looked at her confused.

"Well I don't feel sorry for him I actually feel sorry for you," she said. Macy was not on topic.

"I meant he's ignoring me and talking to you now," Carly explained. Macy nodded and giggled under her breath.

"Okay, my book club meeting will be here, today, all who wants to stay, please do, all who does not, feel free to leave," Chase said. Carly needed to stay though. Macy didn't want nothing to do with the book club. So after class was dismissed she changed into a feline.

"Hey Danford, do you think we will need weapons you know when fighting against Darvis," Sam spoke. Chase just looked at him with a look that would kill.

"Sam do you know who he is, I don't think weapons are going to help," Chase spoke illiterately.

Chase grabbed his noted he'd taken and showed them on the white board. He was hoping Carly would leave. But Carly had no intentions on leaving. So he went over what he knew about Darvis which was the same things they had already known.

When the book club meeting was over, Chase had to stay behind to grab the rest of his things. There had no attempt on any lives lately so she was safe to try and talk to him. The rest of the group went back to Chase's house. That's where they were staying. So if something happened they'd all be together.

"Chase can I talk to you," Carly asked. In his mind he didn't want her near him the way he felt.

"It's Mr. Danford to you," he said. She retaliated.

"Oh really since, since I found out about your parents," she said. He sighed and ignored her. She knew deep inside he cared about her. And he knew she cared for him.

"Just admit it Chase, you don't want me being nice to you because of what happened, you don't want to talk to me because your afraid," she said. He threw his papers down. She jumped.

"Carly, not now, I'm busy," he said through his teeth. She nodded her head but she was only being smart about it.

"Then when Chase, when I'm dead and gone and then everyone you care about is no longer around to keep you sane," she said. He looked at her in a disappointing way. He knew what she meant. She meant her. He knew she wanted him to admit it. And he wasn't going to.

"I might not want anything to happen to you but that doesn't mean that I care for you Carly, I'm you professor and you know that's not right you know-"

"I know what Chase, that you are lying, that you don't want to be near me because your afraid of how you feel, because you know that if you said it, it would be real," she said. He said nothing. That's when he had to lie to her. He had to make it seem not real.

"Maybe your the one who dreams about us, but I don't Carly, I would never do that, I'm only protecting the last of the Harrison line," he said.

That's what hurt the most. That is what made her forget that she even had a place in the world. Tears formed in her eyes. She had heard him tell lies because he was to stupid to tell the truth. She was falling in love with him and he broke her heart. He knew what he'd done. And he didn't know what she was thinking. How could he?

"You know what," she said through the hurt. He looked at her with sad eyes, "Screw you."

She ran out of his room and into the silent halls of the school. Her face was covered in tears. She was in love with him and he just broke her heart. He told her he didn't care about her. Just her family line. But that was a lie. She ran into the girls bathroom trying to catch a his of all that just happened. She had no idea she could cry so much.

Chase wasn't any better, he was crying too. He knew he'd hurt her. And he felt bad for it. But he could not fix it with her. He knew that. She was the type to run or hide and not talk to anyone. He knew. It was over for him. And it meant not telling her the truth. If anything, she's laugh in his face.

She slid down the walk in the bathroom and cried until nothing else came out. She was on the verge of never going back to his place. Which is why she called her old land lord. But her room was rented out. She had nowhere else to go other than back at his house. But she didn't. She laid down in the bathroom under the sinks. Her bag was a pillow. She was warm but the ground was hard.

She had chosen not to go back to his class. Ever again, and she would find a place to stay, but she was weak and she couldn't stay in the school bathroom forever.

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