Chapter 13

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A few days passed. Classes were the same as always. The book club kept meeting at the book store. They trained for the next time they seen the masked man. None of the others knew about them, yet. But that was soon about to change. There were exactly 6 students in the book club with special skills. They each had their own. With power in that amount, they could defeat the witch hunter, the problem was they didn't know who it was.

It was Saturday and everyone was in their houses due to a bad storm that decided to move in. Severe wind and lighting was on the radar. Plus the rain was so thick drivers were pulling over just because they couldn't see the roads.

"This weather is so horrible, my fur stands on my back," Macy did. Carly and Chase laughed.

"You are human that's hair," Carly said to her. Macy hissed. Chase was reading a book on the couch. The weather reports were on the television.

"In other news local policeman Richard Banks reported a body found at the Memorial cemetery, 21 year old William Cooper was found dead this morning, witness say his body was mangled, and torn up, no news as to who did this, police say the man still walks freely, but we are going to warn everyone to please stay in doors at night or walk with a partner, remember that there is a murderer on the loose everyone must be careful."

Carly dropped the remote and slammed her self down on the couch. Chase looked at her and Macy sat beside her trying to comfort her. She was so angry and upset. She wondered how anyone could go around killing innocent people.

"Carly you can't beat yourself up," Macy said. She knew that but she did anyway.

"It's just I wish I knew where this guy lived, who he was,"she said. Chase put his books down and told Macy to go get her a glass of orange juice.

"Look at me Carl's," he said. She looked over to him. He scooted closer.

"Nothing is ever your fault. You didn't know what he'd do. If you could control it then it would be different, please you have to move on from this one, we have to train," he said. She nodded at him. He gave her a genuine smile and rubbed her arm.

With him it was different he was her best friend. And he knew that's how she felt. But he was okay with that. He was falling for her but he knew right now wasn't the best time. With everything going on, he'd give it time. Maybe she would feel the same.

There was a knock at the door. Chase got up to see who it was but when he opened the door, Sam, Sylvia, Brock, and Kali, all stood in front of him shivering. Sam and Carly had been hanging out at school, he was a jerk but he was okay in her book. When Carly seen Sam shivering her heart fell. She got up and rushed to the door.

"Oh my god are you alright Sam, is everyone okay," she said. When she said his name Chase felt a pang or worry. He was, jealous. Sam nodded and she told them to come in.

"We were going to the book store to see you and we got caught in the rain, so we came to your house instead," Sam said. She sat him down beside her.

"Macy," Carly yelled. She came running from the kitchen. She had a distraught look on her face.

"Go fix four hot chocolates," Carly spoke. Chase agreed to help her.

"Why were you coming to see me Sam," she asked him. He smiled at her.

"Because, I wanted to tell you something," he said.

"Well what is it," Carly asked.

"We four have been talking and we have a secret," he said. She nodded for him to continue, "we have power."

"Yeah I know, so do me and Chase, and Macy is my cat," she said that confused him. She told them about Macy not leaving out one detail. She was really surprised they told her but there was a reason for it.

"So we all received emails from the killer, telling us he was coming after us, so we instantly got together and decided we should tell you," he said.

As they discussed it, in the kitchen Macy and Chase were almost done making hot chocolate. Macy turns to Chase and begins talking to him.

"You like her don't you," she says. He looks to her.

"Is it that obvious," he asks. She shook her head. He sighs.

"I don't want to say something right now I'm afraid I'll mess up everything," he says. Macy smacks him on the arm.

"You my kind friend need to be more confident, I'm going to have to teach you, from now on, on the weekends we are going out and I'm going to teach you all I know," she said. He chuckled and asked how much did she know.

"Been around for years," she said. He rolled his eyes and they continued with the hot chocolate into the living room.

Carly told everyone what she had been told. Chase and Macy were surprised that they spoke up. Sam kept staring at Carly while she spoke. He liked her to but his like for her wasn't as strong. Chase noticed but said nothing. Macy watched as her best friend, was being gawked at by two handsome men. And she didn't have feelings for either. But something might change.

Macy had an idea, she could transform and follow the killer. She could go to the local cemetery or the dicks or alleys to see if he shows himself then follow him.

It was settled Macy was going undercover and she was doing it that night. He would kill again and she would see who he really was.

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