Chapter 7

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Monday's were rough. Routines, they were hard to keep. She was late again she hated being late. She wore her slick black pants with slits starting from the thigh down, a black and white loose top, half sleeved, her high tops and her jacket. She brushed her hair it was especially curly this morning.

-She ran as fast as she could to get to Chases class room. She was only five minutes late this time. But good thing he lectured ten minutes before classes. He didn't say anything to her when she ran in, he tried ignoring the fact she was late. But she sat down and began listening regardless to what she missed.

"And that ladies and gentlemen is why this class is for willing learners only, now,"

She trailed off her mind roaming places. Chase could see the look on her face, knowing she wasn't paying attention to him. She was studying about so much. The night of the attack, the next time he will attack, the students murdered. More students were present today than normal.

"Carly, care to elaborate on what's more important that Greek history," Chase said. He wanted her to talk about that night. He wanted the other kids to know that they needed to know that they were in danger. That they needed to take precautions.

"I was just thinking about our lesson Mr. Danford," she said. Chase knew better but he wasn't going to try and beat it out of her. He knew better than that. He was her friend and that was enough for him.

"Okay well, in that case let's talk about the 20th century," he said trailing off.

-Carly had jogged her way through school trying to get to her locker. The thing about this school she attended, there were small hallways and to many kids. Some of them majored in science, some in math. She majored in Greek history and she liked it that way.

She took her books from her arm and placed them one by one in her locker. When she had her books placed she grabbed her lock and shut the door locking it. She turned around seeing a figure standing at the door, to the outside. Same one as the other night. She thought he was really I standing there but she wasn't sure if it was real or not.

The figure began walking towards her and she stood still. She had no idea what was happening. Her heart began to race. Sweat was pouring from her cheeks and forehead. Her body heated from fear. The figure wasn't stopping. She turned to the left, she knew could try to run for it.

Carly began putting one foot in front of the other. This was real. He was able to touch things. She seen it when he broke the glass containing an ax. She was fixing to be killed. Or he was going to try. She took off running. The man was walking carefully. He had a ski mask on and black clothing. She hadn't seen much that night. Except that he had a tattoo. It was an Egyptian symbol for witch hunting.

She ran until she ran out of breath and couldn't run anymore. She didn't see him behind her but that didn't mean anything. She paused two doors away from Chases room. She took a breath and relaxed against the door. She thought about him coming back, what she would do if he popped out somewhere.

Then from nowhere she seen him coming from the right. She didn't know if chase was in his room or not but she bolted for his door. It was locked from the outside but she pounded on it. He kept walking towards her in a quick past. He was only about ten feet from her and she was terrified at what might happen. She pounded and pounded screaming for Chase.

The door opened and there stood a confused Chase in front of her.  The man disappeared right in front of her, he, wasn't real. Then how did he grab the ax? She wondered that.

"Carly what's wrong," Chase said trying to grip her arms. She barely made it inside. She was in shock and couldn't speak. It was as if her worst fear came to life.

"Carly," Chase said analyzing her. He took a step towards her grabbing her and walking her inside. She sat in his chair but looked scared, weak and fragile.

"It wasn't real," she kept saying. He asked what it was. He was concerned for her.

"He came back but it wasn't real," she said. Chase was confused. He tried soothing her and talking to her but she wouldn't say anything. She was, solid. No words other than what he'd heard her say before, came from her.

"Carly you have to tell me what's going on," Chase said trying to get answers. She looked at him with such, gratitude.

"He came back, the-the man h-he was there and he g-grabbed the ax and was trying to k-kill me again," she spoke. He understood but he seen no one outside his door.

"Carly, there was no one out there, I would have heard him and I didn't hear anyone," he told her honestly. He wasn't lying he didn't hear them. He was busy with his next lecture. She began to cry. She thought she was looking her mind. Like she was going crazy.

"Am I going, crazy," she asked him. He bent down in front of her. Chase placed his hands on her arms.

"No Carly you are not going crazy you may have seen him, but it could be a Meer image of what happened the night you were attacked," he said. She nodded and just sat still.

"I think maybe you should go home with me tonight," he said. She shook her head she didn't want to intrude. But she didn't need to be alone either.

"It's not a question, you're staying with me tonight."

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