Chapter 4

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The museum director was old and had gray/white hair. Carly never realized that this entire museum was made up of so much history.

"And this is the the famous Thealine and Harlos," he said. Carly stopped and looked at the two statues standing side by side. But she noticed that there was one extra person. So she spoke up.

"Is that Darvis," she asked the museum director.

"Very good, it is Darvis young lady," he said she grinned at him. Chase grinned down at her. He looked amazed that she could know these things.

She looked to Chase and and smiled back at him. He looked back at his students and then back at the museum director. He realized then that he loved his class and his job. It was all he wanted. He had the special touch for it. He knew about Greeks and that's all he needed to know. Power, and ancient times, that was his go to.

At the end of the tour there was a certain statue that stood out, it was painted in color but she knew who it was.

"That's Victoria Harrison," she said softly. The director looked kindly at her.

"Pardon Miss," he spoke softly. She repeated herself loudly.

"Right you are my dear, this is Victoria Harrison, who might I add was the first in her kind," he said. Carly's dads name was Watson but her mothers maiden was Harrison so she had something in common with Victoria. There has been at least ten bloodlines passed down I mean after all it was 2015 and like everyone else's family they had to be at least 200 years old. But we se didn't know is that she was the fifth in her generation.

Her mother was the fourth Harrison and in compare to the last, she was very powerful. Only now that the bloodline has passed... She realized she was the 5th and that was closer to the 1st than the 6th. And hoping to remain the only Harrison in Nyc was a big thing. Here's the catch all the women were about 35 when they had their children. That's why the bloodline was so short.

"Miss Watson, you have something in common with this woman," Chase said causing her to come out of her comfort zone. She nodded.

"My mother was the great great great granddaughter of Victoria Harrison," she said. Sam was shocked but not surprised. All the Harrison women were quite. They rarely said a word.

"Hmm, well then that makes you the 5th Harrison," the director said but then stopped in place. He looked upset. Like he'd remembered something.

"Okay, your is over," he said. Even Chase was confused. You'd think being a 70 year old man, he's not worry about these things, magic, Greek power, all that.

"Okay, students back on the bus," Chase said. The thing was, he knew that Carly wasn't going to leave without an explanation. But he tried to convince her that they would go back the next day.

"Come on, Carly we can come back tomorrow and talk to him," he spoke. Carly didn't like it but she wasn't going to argue with him.

They got back on the bus and she pondered on what happened to the director. He didn't have a name tag so she couldn't look him up. He never gave a name so that didn't help. But he was the director of the national Greek museum. That was the only thing that helped her at all.

When they arrived at school, it was still pouring rain. She really didn't care considering all she'd been through in the past few days. And finding out her classmates were murdered was icing on the cake. She had to go to work. And after school she didn't have a way other than Chase and he had to stay a few extra hours he was going to take her but she argued.

Carly walked into the bookstore head down avoiding the rain. She was already soaked. The book store manager was there. She had long brown hair that she kept put up in a bun. Brown eyes that were like a dark pool. And she was mid-30s.

"Hi I'm here I'm sorry I'm late," Carly said. The manager smiled and nodded knowing there was a good reason.

The night drug out, slowly. But she had a few costumes. One particular person came in. She hated to see his face but he was just a costumer. Sam was browsing through the books when he came across a literature book from Greek mythology. It was tan with Egyptian symbols on it.

"Carly Watson," Sam said sitting the book down on the counter. She looked at him and then at the price tag.

"That'll be $15. 75," Carly said he took out a $20. He laid it on the counter. She got his change for him.

"$4.25, is your change," she said. He stood there in front of her for a few minutes.

"Can I help you," She asked. He came close to the counter.

"I want to know you, what's your number," he asked.

"My number is no, you need to leave please," she said kindly. He chuckled.

"Soon you'll want me," he said walking away from the counter.

After 9 she closed the book store counted money and placed it in the safe. She locked up and began walking in the muggy weather. She tried to ignore the fact that she was alone and scared. But something would soon give.

"Hey, sweet thing," she heard a voice behind her. She was terrified. Something was wrong. She turned around and there he stood. Knife out to his side and buff as a wrestler.

That was the murderer.

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