sunburnt [silverflint]

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it was a very hot day, and neither james or john were interested in doing something today. so they just decided on sunbathing at the pool. james had brought a new book that he got just before the vacation, and he finally had time to read it. john just laid back with his earbuds in and they talked back and forth.

in between them was a small bowl filled with cheese balls, two cans of coke and some sunscreen. "did you already smear yourself?" james asked. both of them had their shirts off, so it was important to be protected from the large ball of evil fire. john looked up, answering with yes even though he didn't hear the question completely. he rose his hands and began air-drumming to the song that was currently on. "make sure to re-apply the sunscreen every hour or so." james warned him, but of course, the idiot didn't hear it.

a couple of hours passed, james' book was halfway through, and john had fallen asleep. he noticed that john barely touched the cheese balls, so he thought it wouldn't hurt to grab some. he playfully threw one john's way, unaware of the sleeping man. "john." he called out, but he didn't get a response. "hey, john?" he asked, again to no avail. he put his book down and swung his legs over to the side where john was. "hey, loser." he tried one more time and shook him.

john let out a soft groan as some of his curls fell in front of his eyes. he was denifitely awake by now. "oh my god." james muttered, seeing the red, irritated spots on his cheeks and nose. he got up, hovering over him. "excuse me," john began. "you're in my sun." james rolled his eyes, "and you're sunburnt, you fucking idiot." he answered. john's eyes fluttered open, "wait, what?" he said.

james nodded, "look in the mirror, you look like a pig. not only your face but also your chest and shoulders. did you smear yourself with sunscreen?" he asked. the look in john's eyes changed from confused to unamused. he groaned and let himself fall back on the chair again. "" he answered. "oh my god, john! i even fucking warned you!" james said, running a hand down his face. "c'mon, we're going back inside and i'm helping you with those burns." he said, holding a hand out.

john's other earbud fell out of his ear when he was pulled up, and it hit his chest. "ah, fuck..." he hissed. "that's what you get, when you don't smear and fall asleep in the sun." james grinned. "i learned my lesson, okay?" john snapped, grabbing his things. it caught james off guard, because john never really sneered at him like this. he wrapped his arm around his waist gentily, kissing the side of his head. "sorry." he whispered in his ear. john nodded and apologized too.

they made it back to their hotel room quickly, luckily for john because his skin irritated with every step he took. "first things first, we have to cool this down." james began, grabbing a washcloth from the cabinet in the bathroom and ran it under the tap. "is that gonna hurt?" he heard john ask from the kitchen. "likely." he answered. john groaned loudly at the thought of it. james re-appeared with the washcloth in hand, walking over to him. "please don't." john protested, but without warning, james dabbed the cold and wet fabric on his shoulders and chest.

john hissed, and let out a quiet sob. james gently shushed him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "it'll be over in a minute. be a brave boy for me." he whispered. after all burned spots were cooled down, james applied some skin-healing cream to the spots and handed him back his shirt. john hastily took it on and sighed.

"this sucks." he groaned. "i know, babe. just keep doing the same routine i did just yet and it'll heal quicker." james answered. john nodded, burying his face in the crook of his neck. "thank you for helping me." he whispered. james wrapped his arms around him and answered, "anytime."

then they fucked SIKE
was cute tho ooc sometimes (watch more black sails)

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