Pay Up [us!papyrus x muffet]

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[smut warning ahead]

"for the last time, don't smoke indoors, papyrus!" he could tell that his little brother, sans, was getting extremely annoyed with his smoking habits. "it smells really badly! please, go do it outside if you must!" papyrus sighed, grabbing the ashtray close to him and putting out the half-smoked cigarette. "better?" he taunted. he got a rather surprised look from his brother. "u-uh... i didn't expect that." sans admitted.

papyrus grinned, putting his legs up on the couch, but they were soon lifted again and taken off. "no." sans sneered, sitting down. "ah, come on, i'm not wearing my shoes! let me have my legs up." the older snickered, placing his legs on his brothers lap. he shoved them off again, "no!" he chuckled. "you're smiling!" papyrus laughed, as if he achieved something. "i am and i hate it!"

papyrus got up, walking towards the kitchen. "want a drink?" he asked, turning his head towards the living room, but sans wasn't there. "yes please!" he heard from underneath him, startling him. with squinted eyes and a big smile, sans was looking up at him. papyrus knotted his fist in his sweater and exhaled deeply. "don't. ever." he just said. "mweh heh heh! that's another victory for the magnificent sans!" his little brother smiled.

the door went open with a smack, catching both papyrus and sans off-guard. in sight was muffet, a hand gun in her hand. "papyrus." she sneered. "oh fuck." the taller whispered. he felt two arms around his waist, clearly his brothers. he was shaking. "sans, go to your room." papyrus demanded. "no! i-i'm scared!" the younger protested.

"papyrus, you and i have some business to do. where - " muffet was - rather rudely, she thought. - cut off by papyrus, telling her, "muffet, i understand you're mad, but please, let me get sans out of this. he has nothing to do with it." her eyes narrowed and she looked over the edge of her glasses. "make it quick." she spat.

papyrus unwrapped his brother's tiny arms and knelt down to his level, taking his hands. "sans, go to your room and don't come out until i come get you, okay? we're not in any trouble, i'm going to fix this." he said. sans looked like he was about to cry, and it broke papyrus' heart. "hah, and how, exactly, dear papyrus, are you going to fix it?" muffet cackled. papyrus closed his eyes for a second, the atmosphere getting tenser.

"muffet, i swear to god, if you don't shut up right now, i will end you." he screamed, his voice dangerously creepy. the little girl just smiled and pushed her glasses up her nose, twirling the gun around her finger. "remember who's the one with the gun here, dearie." if it weren't for sans choking out a, "pa..pyrus?", his older brother would have lashed out at her.

he sighed, turning his head back to sans. "listen, i'll be okay. i just need you, to go to your room. lock the door until you get my cue. i promise you, i will be fine." he said. "d-do you promise?" "i promise. now go and get up in your room." papyrus was starting to get impatient, but hell, there was a girl with a gun in the same room. all he wanted was his brother to be safe.

sans had nodded and run up the stairs, when muffet approached papyrus with the pistol. "nah-ah-ah." he taunted. he looked up to his brother, sneering. "room. now." and with pain in his heart, sans locked the door.

the gun was instantly pressed to papyrus' chest. "where, is my fucking MONEY." muffet snapped. "muffet, - okay, shit, - i know you're mad, but please, if you kill me, you'll never get your money back." papyrus reasoned, almost smirking. muffet growled, showing her fangs. "money." she whispered.

"i know you want your money. and as soon as i get the money, i swear i'm paying my tab." papyrus explained. "where are you going to get the money from?" muffet taunted. "i have a job," papyrus started, but once he heard muffet's giggles, he stopped. "hey, fuck you. i have a job." "who- who would be so stupid, - to hire y-you?" she laughed, resting her forehead on his chest.

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