OLD!!! Ink Black Veins [LOTB]

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[before youall  start reading this, i  only found out about legion of the black today  but you know me, i get obsessed within a second. so here is my attempt  at an andley one shot based off legion off the black-ish, my thing, etc  etc. have fun <3]

"Get out of there! What  are you thinking?" He heard the Prophet scream at him. Where was he  supposed to go? "This place is about to collapse, get the fuck  out of there!" The Mystic also yelled. The Deviant looked around,  searching for a way out. "How?!" He then screamed back. The Prophet lay  down flat on his chest, reaching a hand out to him. "You learned how to  fucking climb, use those skills!" He screamed.

The Deviant took a few  steps back, got into start-position, and just as he was about to run,  the floor collapsed. He screamed and heard a faint, "NO!" coming from  his friends. He hit the hard surface headfirst, and then he was  surrounded by black.

It didn't take long. -  well, did it? - until he woke up again, and it also didn't take long  until the panic settled in. "Shit, shit, shit!" He muttered. "Oh my  god," He heard, and he jumped at the female voice. "I seriously thought  you were dead." "And I thought I was alone, both wrong, I guess." The  Deviant answered, sitting up. "Any idea where the fuck we are?"  He  followed, trying to stand up, but feeling a horrible pang in his left  ankle. He groaned in pain, grabbing towards the spot. "Are you hurt?"  She asked. "I fell down a whole fucking story, but no, I'm fine." He  sneered. "Jesus, I'm just trying to help you. I could've leant you help,  I'm a medic. But Mr. got snappy."

The Deviant turned his  head at her. "I'm sorry, it's just that I have no idea where the fuck I  am, what the fuck happened, or where the fuck my team is." "What's your  name?" She asked. "I'm the Deviant." He said, looking up at her. "Your  name is 'The Deviant'? That's your real name?" She asked, cocking  an eyebrow. "I'm not allowed to give my real name." "Why not?" "What is  this, 20 questions?" The Deviant snapped again.

"Yeah, okay, you had a  second chance." The girl faced away from her. "Please!" He cried out.  She looked over her shoulder to him, her blue eyes popping out. Her  black hair swayed along with her movements. "I'm Evelyn. Eve for short."  She said, opening a case. "We're at F.E.A.R.s.  They found you before  your friends did." "How long have you been here?" The Deviant asked. Eve  walked over to him, holding a bandage and some other supplies. "What  are those?" He asked.

"I'm going to patch you  up." Eve chuckled. The Deviant smiled at her, mumbling a, "thank you."  at her. "So what happened?" Eve asked. "I... don't know. All I remember  was F.E.A.R. attacking and then the ground disappeared and... now I'm  here. But I'm not in the same place... Right?" He asked. Eve smiled  sadly. "Like I said, F.E.A.R brought you here."

After a minute or 10 in  silence - besides the hisses from Deviant when he was in pain, - Eve  spoke up. "I know how to get out of here." She said. "Thank god." He  sighed in relief. "Can you walk?" "I'll be fine." He answered,  stretching his limbs. "Good, because it's going to be tough."

Not too much later, the  first rays of sunshine came through, and The Deviant couldn't be any  happier. "Do you think my team is close?" He asked. "F.E.A.R. and The  Wild Ones are always close. You just need to know what direction your  going in." Eve said, wiping the dust off her boots.

"Well, I'm done here."  The Deviant heard her say. "Wait, what? What'ya mean?" He turned around  to face her, but she was gone. "Eve?" He called out, looking around.  "Goodluck, Deviant," He heard from above him. He tuned to the sound, and  there she was. On the top of a few rocks. "find your group back. You  can do it." She finished, saluting him. "You can't just take off on your  own!" He tried to call her back, but her back was turned for good. For good.

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