hiking [joshler]

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"it's. so. f-...freaking hot." tyler exclaimed as he exited the car. "what, you mean me?" josh answered from the other side of the car. "no, you're hotter." tyler began. "because your body-temperature is around the 37 degrees celcius, and - " the younger was cut off with a kiss, "i know that, you nerd." josh said, wrapping his arms around his neck. tyler gently pushed him away, and told him with closed eyes, "too hot."

josh simply shrugged, "hot damn." he said, earning a shove from tyler. they both grabbed their backpacks and went on the road. "you know how to read maps, yeah?" tyler asked. the taller frowned, "no, i thought you did?" he said. "uh oh..." tyler sighed, "well i know that we're here right now. where do we go next?" a pen was thrown at his head. "mark where we are now, mark the route you want to hike and make sure we end up at the same spot as where we are now." josh said. "uh... okay. should be easy." tyler murmured.

"there. it should take us about an hour and a half, maybe two." he then declared, closing the map. "do you really want to walk for so long? in the burning sun?" josh whined. "i took the forest route, so you'll blend in with the shadows. why would you even wear black on a day like this?" tyler shook his head, grinning. "it's the - whatever!" josh whined, shoving his boyfriend.

"i do know how to read compass, i think." he followed. "you think?" tyler repeated. "fuck off, i haven't really done a lot of hiking back in the day, okay?" josh mocked offense, getting shoved. "i'm just playing around, jish." tyler chuckled.

they were only half an hour into the hike, when it started getting cloudy. "did you check the weather forecast?" josh asked. tyler nodded, "yeah, it's not gonna rain. well at least, not while we're out. around 3." he said. josh took out his phone, trying to check the time. if he was only the slightest bit more careful, or had a little bit more common sense, he would know that there was a hole in the ground.

so he fell, face down, with a loud smack. "josh!" tyler shrieked, running over to him. "josh, are you okay?" he asked anxiously, turning him over onto his back. josh's phone fell about a meter away from his hand, and was completely cracked. josh himself had a bleeding cut on his forehead from the stone he fell on, his face was dusty and his shoulders were scraped and dusty too. his knee was open and bleeding, and so was his ankle. this was gonna leave a lot of bruises.

"josh! oh, my god, oh my god, oh my - " tyler's eyes began to water, and he began to panic. "tyler, please, i'm not dead." josh answered, batting his eyes. "i'm in a lot of pain, though. but i'm not dead." "h-hold on," tyler said, wiping his tears and taking his backpack in hand. "i-i have a first aid kit." he finished. "you're a lifesaver." josh groaned, trying to sit up. "but you're gonna have to be quick." he followed. "i-i know, it'll only hurt a s-second." tyler said, grabbing whatever supplies he was gonna need.

"i'm not talking about that." josh said. tyler cocked an eyebrow. "what?" he asked. "you didn't look at the time when we left. it's ten to 3." he saw tyler closing his eyes and he was filled with rage, mostly angry at himself. "i'm patching you up." he said, his voice dangerously low. "babe, please don't be angry with yourself. it's okay." josh said. he got no response, as tyler just started to take care of his wounds.

josh tried to avoid the desinfector as much as he could, batting tyler's hands away and grabbing his wrists, but tyler kept insisting that if he didn't do it, his wounds would get infected and he would die. the cut on. his head hurt josh the most, as it was directly linked to his eyes and nose. he was teary-eyed and his nose was runny all the time, even after the liquid dried.

the first drops of rain started to fall as tyler opened the first bandaid, and he softly cursed. "babe, don't rush it, okay? it's okay to get a little bit wet. we'll find some place to take shelter." josh reassured him. "i know," tyler began. "i'm just really shaken up about what just happened." "i get that. let's go find something before hell breaks loose."

"you think you can walk?" tyler asked. "i'm gonna need to lean on you." josh said, getting up with help from him. "that's no problem."

"shit, is this a cave?" tyler exclaimed as both of them were getting quite wet already. "best it's gonna be, the guy down there said every route should be safe." josh answered. they both got inside, waiting until it stopped raining. tyler was beginning to get cold, since he wasn't moving and his clothes were wet. "don't think i'm not noticing." josh said, wrapping his arms around him. "are you feeling okay?" tyler asked. "better than just yet." josh answered. "but we are so getting taco bell after this."

"oh my god, i agree. i need my taco bell. we're not finishing this hike, okay? we're just gonna go back and get to the car and..." tyler softly trailed off as he drowned in josh's warmth. "37 degrees celcius." he muttered. "body warmth." josh answered.

and there they sat, waiting for the storm to pass. in eachothers arms, in eachothers warmth.

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