They Say I'm Emotional [sansby]

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"So I guess you could say... I was on fire today." Grillby finished his story, and Sans broke out in laughs. "you're funnier than me today, grillbz." He admitted. "Hey, no one is funnier than you. Ever." Grillby answered, shoving him playfully. Sans shrugged in response, nudging his slotglass forward with another request. "papyrus doesn't think so." He said.

Grillby's smile dropped, placing the full shotglass down on the bar. "Here." He said. "thanks." Sans answered. "Do you want to talk about it?" Grillby then asked. Sans shrugged again. "i feel like i should just stop with the puns. no one likes them." He said. He felt a hand on his arm, - Grillby's, most likely - and looked away. "Sansy, I like them. A lot. I'm learning from the best." Grillby said. "yeah, you're my best audience." Sans answered with a chuckle.

Grillby noticed the shotglass was already empty again when Sans passed it back to him. "can i have another one?" He asked. Grillby took the glass and placed it down underneath the surface, where Sans couldn't reach it. "No, Sansy, you've had enough." He said. His reaction was expected, but it still caught him off guard. Sans threw his hands up in the air, clearly annoyed. "c'mon, grillbz, please, one more." He said. "Sans, no. If I give you another one you're going to beg for more, you know I can't do that. Just like with Chara." Grillby answered, and Sans buried his face in his arms.

Grillby sighed, taking one of his hands. He gave it a soft squeeze, when Sans asked him, "am i not annoying to you? getting drunk in your place after close-up everytime?" "No, of course not. I usually have fun when you're here with me. And I'll always be there for you if you feel sad, like today. C'mon, Sansy, talk to me. What happened?" He answered. Sans took a deep breath, and began to explain.

"i feel like... everyone secretly hates me for my personality. cracking jokes every chance i get, quite lazy, everyone probably thinks i'm a prick, too." He said, voice muffled by the fabric of his hoodie. "Why do you think that?" Grillby asked. "i don't show people enough how much i actually love them. i don't tell papyrus enough how proud i am of him. i don't show him enough, th-that he's as great as he claims to be. i'm honestly surprised he hasn't abandoned me yet. he deserves a better brother. someone he can look up to, not... me. not a lazy, apathetic prick like me.

"i don't tell tori enough how sweet she actually is, taking care of everyone. now that she has her son back, she's got quite a responsibility on her shoulders, and with asgore not being there for her, who is? someone needs to tell her that whatever she's doing, is fine. that she's a great mom, a great friend. and i can't do it, because i'm too far up my own ass and i can't stop for a minute to think about other people's feelings.

"i feel like i'm never a good enough friend for frisk. i can't remember ever thanking them for everything they have done. they're only 14 years old, but they have the biggest heart. and i don't want them to find out this side of me, but i only think about others when i'm like this.

"i never told undyne how great she was for protecting us for so long. her ambition and strength have kept us safer than the barrier. she's always there for me when i need her, she knows this side of me. she's been so good to papyrus, she practically raised him, because i'm too much of a selfish asshole.

"and alphys... she's got enough anxiety on her own, with only undyne to help her out. i should be there for her more. she totally deserves her title as 'royal scientist', and i don't tell her enough how great she is as a friend, as a collegue, as a person.

"and grillby... i don't think..." His voice broke and he trailed off, covering his face with his hands. He quickly put his hood on, now there was nothing Grillby could see of his face. Grillby felt like he just swallowed a brick, as he was nearly in tears. "You need a break?" He asked. Sans shook his head, "i just don't think i can tell you." he said. "Will it help if I look away?" Grillby asked. Sans shrugged, "try me." So he did, turning his head to the right and placing his arm in front of him.

"i don't think i ever thanked you for being there for me so much. you're the best friend i've ever had, grillbz, and... you and papyrus have been the only one's caring for me so much when i'm like this, or maybe even worse. you make my day better just by seeing you, that reminds me everytime of the fact that i have a best friend. and that i don't have to feel lonely so much because you're here for me. you know what's best for me when i don't want pap around. you've always been there for me, no matter what - grillby? a-are you crying?"

Grillby had covered his face with his free hand, - he still was holding Sans' hand with the other, - and he was indeed crying. he quickly wiped his eyes and answered, "No, what are you talking about?" with a faked smile. Sans breathed a laugh, giving his hand a squeeze. "don't cry, grillby, please..." He said softly. "I'm sorry.." Grillby said, drying his eyes another time, the smile still there.

"what do you think i should do?" Sans asked. "I think, if I were you, even though you're drunk, you should go up to everyone and tell them how you really feel. You don't even have to talk to them face to face, maybe call them or text them. Through text, it maybe won't come over the way you want it to, but you still show them how much you care." Grillby answered. "And I'll be there with you, if you want me to." "i don't want to do it when i'm drunk... i'll do it tomorrow. i promise, but you're gonna have to remind me of it." Sans said. He looked down to their hands, smiling.

"and don't serve me any alcohol anymore. well, maybe for a while. maybe not forever. are you going to help me?" He then asked. He didn't entirely finish that sentence, but Grillby knew what he was talking about. He smiled and nodded. "Of course, Sansy." He said. He let go of his hand and walked to the other side of the bar, picking him up and carrying him towards one of the booths, where they could sit more comfortably.

Sans wrapped his arms around Grillby's neck when he was carried - he was used to it by now. Grillby carried him more often, usually home when he was too drunk. Grillby put his legs up and placed them on the bench in front of him, allowing Sans to sink into his lap. They sat in silence for a while, wrapped up in eachother, when Sans' phone rang.

Sleepily, he picked up. "'sup?" He said lazily. Grillby couldn't hear who the person on the other side of the line was, but he didn't really need to. Sans was relaxed, so it couldn't have been bad. "yeah, i'll be home soon." He heard him say. "i'm with grillby- yeah. i'll see you soon, pap. alright, hang tight kid." Sans ended the call and buried his face in Grillby's shoulder.

"i forgot his fucking bedtime story." He cried, making the taller frown. "Bedtime story?" Grillby asked. "he gets cranky without his bedtime story. i should get home." Sans answered, ready to get up, but sank back down when he realized something. "i forgot teleportation doesn't work when i'm drunk." He muttered. "I'll take you home." Grillby said with a smile. "you don't have to." Sans protested, but Grillby already got up. "I'm gonna grab my jacket real quickly, okay? Stay here." He said, when he put him on one of the stools at the bar. "wasn't planning on going anywhere by myself." He responded, smirking.

Grillby quickly reappeared, picking him up. "are you sure you don't mind?" Sans asked, softly stroking the soft fabric of his jacket. He adored Grillby's jacket. It was long, about knee-length, black, and soft inside and out. "Of course I don't." Grillby answered, smiling.

"Let's get 'ya home safely, you bonehead."

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