2- Im Just A Kid

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(Truce By Twenty One Pilots)


I had my hoodie over my head as I walked to school in the rain.

It wasn't pouring or anything, just sprinkling. I had music in and kept my head down to avoid eye contact with anyone along the sidewalk. I would have penny board to school but I left it at home and I really didn't want to go and get it.
Now I really wished I did bring it now.

I signed as I trudged my feet through the wet little puddles.
I was finally at school, but I felt horrible inside. Something kept telling me not to go.

Don't enter! Just run back home and fake being sick. Even better, just runaway and never look back!

I sighed and shook it off and I open the front door to the school.
As I enter I already see that kids were trampling and running in the halls to get to their first class.
Me being basically a ghost, I got past everyone with no trouble and went to my locker.

I was new here and I really wished I was back in Cali. I missed my mom's home, my home. My dad's house is nothing but a cold stranger's house.
He and I fought last night. We fought the second I saw him. I came here last Week and today is Monday.

Let's just say my parents are divorced. I decided to live with my mom but my dad somehow has me till summer and then I can finally leave and go back to California.
By then I'll be 18 and I don't have to live like this anymore.

I'll be 18 in May, which is still five months away.
I have to finish school down here in Omaha and then I head off to college for a couple years.

Yeah, I got into a art school and I couldn't believe it.
I wanted to do comic books or just do anything with art or maybe doing a music career or help write songs kind of thing.

But if all fails I'll just go with a simple job like working in cafe in small town or something.

I had reached my first class, which was art class and I was so excited for it.

I stopped when something told me not to.

You really think you belong in there? *scoff* you can barely draw! You're horrible and will look stupid with your 'drawing skills'! Just stop trying! You're dream is stupid and not worth fight to get! Just walk away. Go home and stay in bed.
Just sleep.

I pulled my hand back from the door knob but the door opens and a very tall man stood there in the doorway. He had black scraggly hair and wore a white dress up shirt with a black vest and  black dress up pants.

He eyed me for second but something must've crossed his mind because his eyes widen and he smiles at me. It made me smile back, only a little bit.

"Miss Quinn?" He asked politely. I nod my head as I stare into his eyes.

"The new kid! Come on in! Why are you out here staring at the door?- you know what, it doesn't matter." He leads me in and shuts the door behind me.
I enter and see about ten people sitting in some desks, working on something. Some were staring at me.

I had my hoodie over my head and some hair covering my right eye.

Now you're a laughing stock. You deserve it!

The voice taunted me again.
The bell rings and I take a spot. The man, who must be the teacher, sat in his desk up front. He searched for something and finally pulled it out. It must've been the attendance sheet.

He goes through out the whole class, calling them and writing something down after they say "here".

"Lola Quinn?" He last says and I raised my hand slowly, hoping not to get any attention.
He smiled at me and wrote down something and placed it on his desk.

The Broken Girl (Jack Johnson)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now