6-Early Dawns And Late Sunsets

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(Colors By Halsey)


I had so far made four drawings and a few songs. Yeah I know, writing songs are stupid but it helps with my stress.

My dad had gotten back an hour ago which was four and didn't even notice me.
I made coffee down stairs a while ago so it must be ready by now.

I tip-toed down the stairs and slipped into the kitchen to see the clock. It was nearly six and the sun was rising, painting the sky a pretty lilac color with little blotches of pink, red, and orange.

I grabbed my coffee and went back up to my room. I took the screen off my window and went out onto the flat roof.

I was staring off into the sky while enjoying my coffee. I had cleaned my room (even though it wasn't that messy), drew, wrote, read, and made coffee. I better go take a shower soon, but the sky was so delightful and I couldn't stop staring at it.

My phone goes off in my back pocket. Oh god! Not him!

It was a text sent from Carlos, my Ex-boyfriend.
Me and him dated for so long but I just couldn't take him. He and I started out so happy and great but as the months grow on we fought and argued and he would start to get drunk and smoke weed and go to dumb parties.
He would call me in the middle of the night and beg for me to go and pick him up from some stupid party. And I would actually do it for him because deep down I cared for him deeply.

Everyone told me that I could do better  and I knew it was true...and so I broke up with him and walked away from him. This was like three months ago. We had dated for at least a whole year.

The reason why I went out with him in the first place was because I felt different with him. My depression didn't exist when I was with him. My anxiety didn't exist either and my night terrors didn't even happen for like three whole months but like I said something snapped in us and we fell apart right after the fourth month.

I took my phone out, I knew it was him because of his ring tone I gave him, which was the duck sound and I still don't know why I put that as his ringtone.

"Hey. I know I'm a little too late but I really wanna talk with you...I know you're just gonna stare at this for a while but call me when you can."

I read his text over and over. Why is he still texting me? I had made it perfectly clear that I wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

I placed it down after awhile and finished my coffee. I got up and went to my shower and got ready for today.

-Jack Johnson-

My alarm was beeping and this would have been the second time I hit the snooze but I felt like I needed to get up, but for what?

I slumped over the edge of my bed as I try to remember why.

I went to the bathroom and took a nice short shower and got ready for today.

Lola! That's why! I thought right as I got out of the shower. A smile plastered on my lips as I thought her.

I brushed my hair and teeth and got changed.
I had some music playing in background and it was some top hits on a radio station. I placed cologne on and looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed my hair a little bit.
I smiled as I thought of Lola. She was among and is probably getting up for school right now too.

I'll go check up on her soon.

I got a text from Jack saying he was on his way towards my house. I texted him telling him that it's fine.

The Broken Girl (Jack Johnson)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now