3-This Not What It Is Only Just Baby Scars

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(Stay Away From My Friends by Pierce The Veil)



I decided to wander this town and see what's it's like. I haven't been here for nearly ten years.
I remembered playing at a park.

I make my way there since it wasn't that far from my house. I founded a tall tree. It had a nest of birds on a branch at the top.
A squirrel had made a home in a hole on the side of it.

I sat against it and took my art book out. Inspiration hit me and I started a drawing. I watched as the pretty birds fly in and out of the tree, feeding the babies I'm guessing.
The squirrel would poke it's head out every once in a while.

The park was empty but after thirty minutes some boys showed up to play basketball at the court on the other side of the park.
I don't mind just as long as they leave me alone.

-Jack Johnson-

Dude, I can't wait till school ends and we go on Magcon! Ugh five months in this hell hole known as school." Gilinsky complained as we entered the court. It wasn't that far from my house.

Sam and Nate were with us. Nate chuckles a little and it catches my attention.

"Did I tell you guys I bumped into this EMO after school ended? Well I did and she's right over there." He chuckles and points over to the tree. EMO girl?

I followed to where he was pointing and right under the big tree was a small girl. Wait it's echo!

"Hey it's echo." I say under my breath.
Nate must've heard me because he looks back at me confused.
"She told you her name was echo? No wonder she didn't tell me. It's sounds so stupid and goth." He laughs.

"Hey back off with the names, that's fucking rude." I spoke.
"Whoa! Chill Johnson. It's not like she'll care. She can't hear us and I don't even care about her-"
"Shut up." I muttered as I walked away to the court.

"Yeah, let's just get into teams. The Jacks verses me and Nate." Sam changes the subject.

We start our game.


I was done drawing and I just got bored. I looked up at the tree. I had a feeling to climb it, so I did.

There really isn't much trees like these in Cali so I took my chances with it and climbed it.

"I'll get it!" I heard someone call out and it scared me, making me lose my balance and fall a little. Then a loud noise of something hitting the tree made me loose my grip and a branch that I was holding onto shakes.
I clawed at a tree branch but it was no use and I fell.

I awaited for the ground to hit my back or butt, but instead I landed on someone.
I heard him groan in pain. I quickly got off the poor boy. I met eyes again with that blonde boy.

"I'm s-sorry." I whispered as I helped him up. He grabs ahold of my weak arms and gets up. I wasn't much of help since I'm so weak. He squeezes my wrist tightly and I hissed in pain.
He stands up, still holding my wrist.

"It's nice to meet you again, echo." He says, slightly smiling.
Echo? Oh wait my "name".

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I say above a whisper.
He nods his head and looks down at my hand.
His eyebrows scrunched together and he slowly let's go of my wrist.

Red stained his hand. FUCK!

I pulled my wrist to my face. My cuts opened! I tried to cover it up but it seeped through my sleeve.

It must've happened when I fell or when he held my wrist.

"Oh god! Are you okay?" He says in a panicky tone and grips my arm from my grip and pulls my sleeve up.

There plain as day were my cuts on my wrist. He looked at them confused but he figures out what they are and looks up at me with sadden eyes.

My lip was in between my teeth and tears brim my eyes.

"E-echo?" He chokes out.

I took a shaky breathe and shoved him. I grabbed my bag and run off as fast as I can from there.

You idiot! That's why you don't help people! They make a fool out of you and you regret it! That's why you LISTEN TO ME!

I ran till I reached my house and run up to my room.

I shut my door and lock it. My chest was heaving up and down rapidly and I started to crawl into my bed. That's where I broke down and sobbed.

Now he'll go and tell everyone and I'll be bullied or be a laughing stock.

This is why you listen to us! We control you and you'll obey! There's only one way to get rid of this pain.

I knew exactly what to do but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I use to promise my friends I wouldn't do it again but I had to the first night I got here. Me and my dad kept arguing and fighting as I kept blaming myself for things and I just became weak. I made three cuts last night and this morning.

It helped make the world fade and I could control my pain.

Do it.

No I shouldn't.

Do it! The pain will go away and it will feel like you're a step closer to heaven...if you just cut deeper.


Aren't you tired of the world? Don't you want to make it all go away? Just take it and make one cut. Just one.

Maybe one will make me feel better.

Good girl. The razor is waiting for you.

I get off my bed as I trudged my feet to my own bathroom. I shut the door and lock it.

My back was against the door as I saw the razor on the side of my sink. I broke my shaver to get it. Oh how you hold too much bad memories I thought as I hold the razor in my fingertips now.

My hand shakes as I hold the blade to my bare cut up wrist.

These are just baby scars, they'll fade away, right?

The Broken Girl (Jack Johnson)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now