8-Art Is The Weapon

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(Planetary Go By My Chemical Romance)


Me and jack walk out of my house and onto the sidewalk to where we saw a car parked in front of his house. It was a small sliver car but in good condition.

"Yo Jack!" Jack yells out and the driver in the seat turns around and yells back. Wait there's two jacks?
"Let's go! We still gotta pick up Nate and Sam! Who's that?" He says as he looks at me.

I hid a little behind Jack.
"Don't worry. I'm here." He reassured me. We reached the car as he opens the back seat door for me. I took my spot in the middle and he took the passenger seat up front.

I kept biting the inside of my mouth while the driver kept staring at me.

"Who's she?" He asked Jack.
"She's my new best friend." Jack says like no big deal as he buckles himself up.

"What? I'm being replaced?" The driver says, acting like he's heartbroken.

"Oh shut up." Jack chuckles.

"Listen Jack this is Lola. Lola this is my first best friend Jack Gilinsky." He says as he points to the driver.

"Two jacks?" Is all I say.

"Yeah, you can call us by our last names or something." The driver says.

"Okay." I whispered.

"She's not much of a talker, huh?" Gilinsky smirked at Johnson.

I didn't answer and took my phone out. I had gotten a text from Carlos. I rolled my eyes and read it.

I don't care if I have school here in LA. I will leave for you. I miss you and I just want to make things right again. Please answer me. I know you saw my last text.

I put him on do not disturb and turned my music on and placed my headphones in.
I rather not deal with him right now.

The Balcony Scene came on and I rocked slowly side to side in my spot.
We stopped in front of another house and I watched as two boys come to the car.

One was the boy who hit on me yesterday.
I pulled my hoodie over my head and the only visible thing was my black hair and maybe my nose.

"Hey! Who's that?" That familiar voice asked.
"Oh that's Johnson's girlfriend, Lola!" Me and Johnson both gave Gilinsky a disappointing look as the guys enter the back seat.

"Hi, I'm Sam." One says as he sits on my right. They all buckle up and Gilinsky drives off.

I didn't respond or move.

"Uh hello?" The boy placed his hand in front of my face and I just ignore him.
"Oh she doesn't talk much." Gilinsky mentions to the boys like I wasn't there at all.

"Stop Jack. Hey guys this is Lola. Lola that's Nate and Sam." Johnson turns in his seat to introduce me to his friends.

"Hi." I heard Nate.

"Hey." I said. It was above a whisper but no one really heard me.

I stayed silent the whole time as we drove to school. This was not my cup of tea. I was very antisocial and I didn't like these guys. Preps with a EMO! That's what sad and I still felt so lonely even though they were right there.

I jumped out immediately as we parked and Sam got out. I took my bag and raced inside to avoid eye contact with them.

I ran to my next class, which is art and I enter through the door quietly. The teacher notices me but everyone were working or chatting with each other.

The teacher just pointed to a spot in the back and I took the offer.

I sit down and read the board.

Create something that is powerful and gives you life. One thing that gives your inspiration. Project due at the end of the week.
~Art Is The Weapon~

I had trouble thinking of what gives me life, my inspiration, my reason I still live.

Hope? Nah!

Family? Maybe Molly and Drew...

Friends? Uh....Jack? Does he count as an actual friend? I've only had two best friends back home but I don't know. They're quite complicated stories to tell right now.

Music? Ummm HELL YEAH! The bands gave me enough strength to get up in the morning everyday but...it still isn't much.
Ah fuck it. I'll do all of them.

I took out my art book and shred a paper out of it.

I took my pencils, pens, and erasers out.

I started my drawing.


Soon I was done and the bell was about to ring in a few minutes.

I looked at my drawing. In the top corners were Drew and Molly. They were both smiling. On the bottom corners were music notes and band names and Jack. In the middle was a big red rose.

It's petals fall off delicately and into the corners where everyone were. Little swirls and long curvy lines blossom out from everyone, making them bright and happy.

I used a lot of bright colors and I was happy for what I made. Nothing told me other wise and I rises from my desk gingerly and walked over to Mr. Way's, my art teacher, desk.

"Ah! Miss Quinn, nice to see you. What's wrong?" He gave me nice little smile. He had black scraggly hair, hazel eyes, and a really bright smile that somehow made me even smile.

"Nothing's wrong, I just finished my project." I handed him my art work. He was confused as I hand it to him. He hesitated to take it.

"It's not due till the end of the week." He comments. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't want to lose it. It might get ripped in my art book or something. I should hand it in to get my grade early." I replied.

"Mmhm....thank you miss Q-" He was interrupted by the bell ringing. I gave him a shy wave and head back to my desk to gather my things.

I head out with everyone else and head to my next class which was still one of my favorites, English.

I don't know, but I thinks just a class where I can express myself with words that can't be spoken. You know?

Poems? Writing? Stories? Even writing a poem that speaks louder than anything is powerful to me.
In my old school I use to have get up and read a poem I made or a poem I thought would be nice and I use to get extra credit for it but the school found it to be unfair since no one else got extra credit and canceled it. We still did it, I just didn't get extra credit. Which was perfectly fine with me.

I loved reading poems and talking. But here it's just not the same. This town was like a gloomy place for me. I felt even more insecure and alone.

I could barely say hi to students besides Jack and his friends, but even then I barely found the right words.

It's a new place for me and its gonna take time for me to adjust. I mean I do have five months here, I might as well get use to it.

Yay!!! I got my iPhone 6! And I made a few chapters last night so I'll updated the next one in a little bit after I proof read it.

The Broken Girl (Jack Johnson)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now