10-The Best Part Of Believe Is The Lie

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(Trophy Father's Trophy Son by Sleeping With Sirens)


I was in the principal's office right now, sitting next to bitch who started this all.

I learned that her name was Demi. She was balling her eyes out as the principal calls our parents...of course my dad wasn't gonna pick up.
That's what was taking so long.

"Well your father isn't answering, so we'll just start now." The principal says as he placed the phone down frustratingly and folds his hands.

"You two girl's behavior is unacceptable! You don't not talk to a teacher like that-" he gives Demi a cold look then sways his head towards me. "-and you most certainly do not say that to other students!"

I rolled my eyes. I wish he was just done so I could go back to class.

"Now miss Quinn, you had read a piece in class and miss Gomez interrupted her, is that correct?"

We both nod our heads in response.

"Then miss Gomez made some commentary and you, miss Quinn, snapped?" He asked casually like this was ALL my fault.

It was this skanks fault! I mean look at her fucking outfit! She caused this and she made me snap! It's her fault not mine!

"No." I denied.
"Yes." Demi lied.

We looked at each other in disbelief.

"Look girls-"

"No! This is her fault! I was reading a poem and then she interrupted me and then insulted miss Ballato, then I couldn't I handle a student picking on a poor innocent teacher and then I snapped! She caused this! You can't just believe her!" I snapped, cutting off the principal.

He was taken back by my outburst and let out a long breath.

"Listen we just don't have proof of what happened, so you can't just make me believe this. Until we can get some proof, you two have detention for a whole month." He says sternly and pulls out, what I believe is detention slips, and writes on them.

Right at that point the door burst opens and there stood Jack Johnson. What was he doing here?

"Sir, I have proof. I-I recorded the whole thing." He says out of breathe.

"What? How did you videotape it? You shouldn't have your phone in class." The principal points out but that didn't matter. This will point out that she started it, interrupted me, and insulted a teacher. I mean, yeah I kinda snapped at her but maybe I can get off with a warning, right?

"Do you wanna see it or not?" Jack says, knowing the answer is gonna be yes.

"Fine." The principal comes to a agreement and Jack pulls his phone out and swipes his screen, doing a few things and then handing it to him.

I could see in the corner of my eye that Demi was scared or nervous. She kept biting her pink painted nails and had this scared look in her eyes.

The video started and it was right as I started my poem.

Wait, why was he recording me? Creep!

Then it shows Demi cutting me off and then Miss Ballato spoke up. Demi's voice was loud for us to hear since she was close enough to Jack for it to pick up everything she said and did. Then it shows me shouting.

Soon the video ends and the principal gives us a glance and hands Jack his phone back.

"Okay, I understand this is your first time getting trouble miss Quinn, so this is one warning. But Demi, you have had this happen repeatedly. Bullying students and now it's teachers? You don't ever disrespect a teacher like that, now you do have a punishment. It's a week of detention and you will be apologizing to miss Ballato." The principal said and me and Jack just fist bumped.

The Broken Girl (Jack Johnson)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now