Chapter 2.

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I started crying, not knowing what was gonna happen. "Now I'm gonna make you feel what we felt."

Something snapped in me, and I looked over at Shey and Avrie. I mumbled out, "3! 2!" We said we would never go on one, because that was to obvious.

We all bit their hand as hard as possible. The room was dark, so we could see their faces. We could just see a dark silhouette of them. I was the athletic one. I didn't know any moves, except punch and kick. I was strong though.

Shey knew Jujitsu, which was really cool, and helpful in situations like these.

And Avrie would just flip her shit. And start hitting everything. "Tree!" I yelled, we got into standing stance. "Earth!" we got into fighting stance. "Water!" We attacked them.

There were 2 people luckily. One of them was too strong for just one of us, so me and Avrie fought that one. I heard his deep voice as he grunted, throwing and receiving punches.

Shey fought the other one. He was wimpy. His scream sounded, familiar. "Fan ta dig!" He yelled.

"Anata o fakku!" Shey yelled back. I looked over at who Shey was fighting, recognizing that voice. I was about to say something, but the person I was fighting hit my gut.

I lost my breath, and I saw him hit Shey so hard she knocked out, along with Avrie. I fell over, trying to act like I was passed out to.

They picked up Shey and Avrie, and found some rope. I noticed a small window, with bars on the roof. The figure walked under it, and I caught a glimpse of something under the light.

It was red, not blood, but it was on there head. The muscular man grabbed me, and I got a closer look at him. I knew it! I knew him. I recognized his red hair, his deep voice, and muscular shape.

He put me down, and tied me up with my friends, who were passed out. They put us in a corner, and talked. "What are we gonna do to them?" The Swedish boy asked.

"Make them give Jack back, hurt them good, and bring them to the police." Without thinking, I did the most stupid thing.

"No please!" I gasped and my eyes widen. The muscular guy came over. "Please. Were not who u think we are! Please!" He got closer to me. And then the Swedish boy saved me.

"Wait! Look!!" He point to my necklace. I noticed I was wearing a necklace with a warfstache on it. They grabbed me out of the rope, and held me under the light, from the window.

I was wearing a Booper Dooper shirt, a warfstache necklace, and my pants had a bro fist as the pocket. The man walked into the light, and I saw him. The man I looked up to my whole life. Markiplier.

He put me down, and the Swedish boy came into the light. Revealing he was Felix. I almost fell. My teeth were chattering.

"You're just a couple kids. Aren't you?" Mark asked.

I nod saying, "I'm- I'm a huge fan of you. And so are they!" I point to my friends, and Shey was waking up.

She started yelling, "Let my friend go you asshole! When I get my hands on you.."

"Shey! His name is Billy!" I got the reaction I was hoping for.


"They are fans." I got up, and went over to Shey. Avrie was just waking up.

"Guys calm down! Don't worry. There not the bad guys. Tim fe sam." Another code. Tim being tiny box Tim, fe being Felix, and Sam being septiceye Sam. They didn't believe me.

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