Chapter 3

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"What do you mean you can't track her?!" I yell.

"It has too weak a signal. I can get little hints, but it's very weak, and for a short time! And it keeps moving!" Avrie said panicked.

I was nervous. But then it hit me. My best friend, was kidnapped, with the same guy, who kidnapped YouTubers, and beats them half to death.

My mouth was too heavy to keep closed. It dropped open, and my whole face just dropped. I had to do something. Not only was she my best friend, but along with my favorite YouTubers.

I could see Avrie was scared as well. "Suit up." I said. Avrie looked up at me confused. "Suit. Up." We haven't suit up, since we stole cookies from my mom. But now, it's serious.

Shey is the technological person. So she had made a lot of cool shit. Avrie had a creek in the back of her house, where a shed was. We built the shed actually.

There was a huge hole in the ground, it looked like people were digging something up, but gave up, or found it what they were looking for, and never put the dirt back.

We had a floor, with a rug in the shed. The rug was covering a hole in the floor, dropping to the hole in the ground. Me and Avrie ran to the shed, and dropped down, where we had gear, suits, belts, everything.

We wore our black skinny shirt, and grabbed a bag. Which we filled with black skinny shirts, that the others could wear.

And a lot of shirts could fit in the bag. Avrie wore that bag, I was trusted with the weapons.

I wore a sash, and clipped a packet of BB gun pellets. I wore a belt which I had a BB gun, pepper spray, batteries, a flashlight, and a holder for my phone.

On my sash I also held smoke bombs. I don't know how, but Shey managed to make em. Avrie brought things like water. And small baggies of food. Like baby carrots, celery, and grapes.

We never knew how long we would be out. I wore the ammo, she wore the help. And a smoke bomb and bb gun for safety.

We got an extra 3 BB guns for the others, and we were off. We made a note for our parents, saying we would be home late, which wasn't rare, and we left.

We just went to Mama Rosa's bakery, and hoped for the best. We looked in the window to the store. And nobody was there, thankfully. I looked up to see a camera.

I grabbed my BB gun, and hit the camera lens. Without being seen, we then went into the back, and crawled into the vent we went in before.

We saw that the holes we made were gone. There was a small hole, that showed where they were. I could see them all in the same room, along with Shey.

I made a small click with my tongue. Shey lift her head, and clicked back. She looked at the vent, and I stuck my finger through the hole. She looked up at a camera. And nod her head.

Here came the storm.

"I can't fucking believe this! I hate this place!" She walked to to the camera. "Mark pick me up!" She's yelled.

"Why should I?" Mark asked.

"Pick me up Damnit!" Dan looked over, and saw the finger, and he knew something was up.

He walked over and lift her. She looked straight into the camera. "FUCK YOU GUYS!" Then punched the camera hard, making it fall. She then jumped on it. It was definitely broken.

She looked around for any other camera. But then, someone came in with a gun, pointed at everyone. "ANY ONE MOVES, YOU ALL FUCKING DIE!" He grabbed Shey's arm and yanked her into another room.


Dan, who was sorta in on it, came over to the vent, which was hidden in the corner, and took a metal plate off it. I carefully fell down, and put my finger to my lips, telling everyone to hush.

Nobody made a sound.

I snapped my fingers, and Avrie's bag fell down. I tossed a black shirt to everyone. They all took off there own shirt, trading it for the black one. I got some rubber bands from the bag, and used them to tighten the end of the pant leg of everyone's pants, if they were wearing them.

A few had on shorts. We started with Wade, since he was the skinniest. Avrie brought him to the front and helped him into the vent. We then sent up Phil, then Dan.

Then the door opened everyone froze. Shey was tossed down, and the kidnapper, came down the stairs to hurt someone else.

Shey was too weak to do anything. She was bloody, like she has been whipped. Bruised like she was beat up, and wet like she was drowned.

Time stopped.

Giving me enough time to make a plan. I through up the bag of cloths to Avrie, and she scurried. I threw down a smoke grenade, and shot the guy with my BB gun.

He fell down, and I sprayed him with pepper spray. We all ran up the stairs, taking turns kicking him as we run by. When we were upstairs, we bolt for the front door. But the kidnapper was ready.

He had 2 body guards that appeared out of nowhere. We turned around, but they had a gun. Mark was shot in the shoulder, and I turned around and shot them both. And then spraying them with mace. I kicked them till they were unconscious.

I ran downstairs and sprayed the guy again, kicking him until I knocked him out. I picked up Shey, and ran upstairs. She was heavy, but I was strong.

Everyone was around Mark. I gave Shey an extra BB gun, and set her down. "Avrie has the help bag! I can't do anything!" We laid there, and watched Mark bleed. We didn't know what to do, or how to react. Avrie had the help bag. And she was gone.

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