Chapter 5

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Oh good. The cops are here. I turned around to face them. When I saw someone I wasn't expecting.

It was the kidnapper.

He was holding a gun, pointing it at us all.

"Shey.. Avrie.." I say. They turn around and see him. "Guys.." Everyone turns to see him.

"Ok that's it. 2 of you, are not gonna live anymore. Here's now we're gonna play this game. One person will volunteer to be killed, but they will have to pick one other person." The kidnapper told us. I look around.

I would sacrifice my life, but to choose? We all knew, either all the YouTubers were gonna be ok, or all the girls were gonna be ok.

Me and the girls look at each other. Avrie clicks her tongue. Avrie steps up. "I volunteer."

"No way!" I push her back and get in front.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I yell.

"Nice word play, but I'm getting killed." Shey stepped up.

Jack then stepped up. "No I'll do it!"

"SIT DOWN JACK!!" We all scream together on the top of our lungs.

He looks more scared then anything, and sat back down.

"Girls! I'm gonna die! I'm the one who fucked up!!" I yelled

"No way! I will! You mean so much more to me then to watch u die!" Shey yelled.


"NO WAY! PICK ME!!" We all started yelling. Then shit went down. I through the first punch. I hit Shey in the forehead, and she stumbled back.

She looked up at me, and charged. She hit me in my gut. "GUYS STOP!" Avrie yelled. But I just kicked her gut. She jumped on top of me, and I punched Shey.

We soon we're in a huge fight on the ground! Our kidnapper came over to separate us. "GIRLS SPLIT IT UP!" He grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

In one swift move, I grabbed his gun, and Shey grabbed his second gun. Avrie kicked his legs, making him fall down. I shot his shoulder, and Shey shot his leg.

We saw he had hand cuffs on his belt. I guess they were used to hand cuff someone to a pole before whipping them. The body guards had them as well.

We grabbed them and handcuffed everyone to a pole, or a table leg.

"You girls ok? I didn't hurt you too bad?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm fine. You guys ok?" Shey told us.

"I'm good." Avrie put in.

"I didn't feel a thing! Nice job team!" We did our trio handshake, which was, we Brofist, then said "HIGH FIVES ALL ROUND!" And as the whip, we would high five each other. We laughed, as everyone else was still in shock.

"What the hell just happened?" Dan spoke up.

"I thought u guys were gonna kill each other!" Phil said.

"How did you get his gun?" Bob said.

"And you didn't even talk about a plan!" Wade spat out.

"Nice handshake bro's!" Felix said.

"High fives all round!" Jack said, looking back at Felix.

"You saved our lives." Mark said quietly.

Everyone looked at us. I turned to Shey and Avrie.

"Girls. That's Markiplier. Jacksepticeye. Muyskerm. Lord Minion777. Dan and Phil. And Pewdiepie. And we just saved there lives." They got the message, and we went into shock.

We stood there, looking at each other. Then, our fangirl came out. "HOLY FUCK YOU'RE THE JACKSEPTICEYE!"


"BOB AND WADE! THE REAL DAN AND PHIL!" Then together we screamed out, "AND YOU'RE.. PEEEEEEEEEEEWDIEPIIE!!!" We did the hand motion and all.

They all laughed. "Oh my god! You girls probably have a family scared about you guys!" Mark said. And they all looked concerned. But we all looked at each other, and at our feet.

Shey was the first to speak up. "My. My dad left me. And my mom hates me. She doesn't care I'm gone."

Then Avrie spoke up. "My parents are divorced. My dad just yells all the time, and my mom barely notices me."

I then said, "My parents are never home. Maybe around an hour they are at my house, but I just seem to be a distraction. We all don't really have the best families. We all are our best family." We looked at each other and hugged.

Jack then came in to hug us. We pulled apart to see Mark and Felix crying. They had always been suckers for sad stuff. Dan and Phil had gone quiet.

"I'm sorry guys." Bob said with teary eyes.

"It's fine."

"We're use to it."

"The neglect."



We stopped talking.

Jack pulled us together for another hug. "We umm.." I looked over at the girls. "ba chóir dúinn a rá leo?" (Should I tell them?)

Shey stayed quiet. Avrie nod her head, and then Shey did the same. "Táimid ag cur féin suas chun go nglacfaí égasped." I tell Sean. His face dropped, and I told the rest. " I said we were planning on running away."

I got a shocked face from them all. Not just Jack who could understand me. "Our families wouldn't care if we ran away." I said slowly.

"You guys don't have to run away!" Wade said.

"What else are we gonna do? Sit around and take it?" Avrie said.

"I could adopt you!" Jack said.

"We're not up for adoption though." Shey looked over at us. "más féidir linn a fháil ar ár dtuismitheoirí a shíniú an páipéar a chur chugainn i lár nglacadh.."(we could get our parents to sign us up for adoption)

"Ní bheadh ​​sé ró-deacair."(it might be easy) I say.

"Tá mé dhá tuismitheoirí ar leith! tá sé ag dul crua!"(it wouldn't be easy for me! I have two separate parents!) Avrie yelled.

"Tù gotta triail." (try your best) I said. Avrie nod.

"Uhh, hey guys. Sorry to interrupt, but I just remembered, I'm still bleeding, there's a dead guy over there, and 2 passed out people over there. I'm almost out of blood." Mark reminded up.

I got my phone and called the police. They rushed everyone to the hospital, where I got adoption papers for us 3.

The police kept asking us questions, not believing my story. When everybody's story aligned, and nobody ended up dead, everyone went home.

Jack stayed in California with Mark who was still in the hospital.

"Hey girls." Mark said, in a deep voice. "Jack can stay with me. If you get your parents to put you up for adoption, me and Jack can get ya. You can live with me. Then Jack in Ireland. Then me. Then him." He said.

We smiled, and the nurse came in. She pushed me, Jack, Avrie and Shey out and they started pumping blood back into him.

"So girls. Here's Marks address." Jack hand me a slip over paper. "Also has mine and Marks phone number. Don't call me though, stupid Irish phone don't work in America."

We nod, said our goodbyes, and went home. Time to convince our parents to put us up for adoption.

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