Chapter 4

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"Wh-What are we gonna do? We can't leave him here!" Jack said. His voice was dripping with fear, and worry filled his eyes.

"And what about her? She's bleeding bad." Phil pointed to Shey. Everyone looked at me. I looked at Shey.

"Your the smart one. You made the shit I'm wearing! I hit first and ask questions never. What do we do?" I yell at Shey. She looked at her bloody arms and legs. She was still coughing up water.

"A-Autumn. Your the fastest. Take Jack and run to the shed." Shey said, her voice was raspy.

"I don't think we left any help there!" I say to her. Tears stung my eyes as my best friends life slowly drained with her blood

"Take down the picture of us. There should be a code panel. 9876. Get the kit, and run back. Don't stop for anything." I nod my head.

"Jack can you run fast?" I turn and ask him.

"I do exercise. But I still have hints of asthma. But ya, I can run." He says, starting to flex to lighten the mood.

"Then let's go!" I grabbed Jack up from his knees, and started running like something was chasing me. I ran faster then I ever have, and Jack wasn't too far behind.

When we got into the ditch, Jack easily got through the vines, thorns, and branches. Which not a lot of people could do. I was surprised, I guess he noticed.

"I lived in the middle of nowhere most of my life." He reminded me.

"Oh ya. We're almost there!" I got caught on a thorn vine, which cut up my ankle bad.

Jack saw this and said, "Autumn you stay here, point me to the shed."

"No! It's happened more then you'll think. I'll be fine." But this was worse then before. It bled badly, but I kept running with a small limp.

When we got to the shed, Jack sped ahead of me and went in. I heard a loud yell and thump. "He's in the trap." I mumble to myself. I ran in, jumped in the hole, and helped Jack stand up. "What the fuck was that?!" He yells.

"A trap." I say simply.

"You girls are good." He says, his voice going slightly high pitched. I smiled and went to the picture, taking it down, I found a code panel.

Just then, the front door opened. Is it the guy trying to get us? Did he wake up? Did he hurt the others!? Was Mark still alive?!

We hid, and turned everything off, it was now really dark. Someone jumped down the hole, skipping the trap. How did he know?

The figure came closer to the light switch, and turned it on. I saw who it was.

"Autumn? Jack?!"

"Avrie!!" I didn't do anything else, I grabbed the help bag, and got the medicine kit from the place behind the picture, and ran.

Forgetting about the pain in my ankle, I still limped. Then remembering it, I shook it off, and ran. And ran and ran and ran. I wasn't limping, but my ankle was on fire. I ran to where the others were, and found Mark passed out.

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