Chapter 5

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Your pov

A blaring sound kept disrupting my sleep.Until it finally stopped. This...this felt different. I actually slept like a baby, I am so cozy and warm. I've never felt this when waking up, I'd always wake up cold and alone. Best Sleep Ive ever had. Thats when I remembered I had slept at Camila's. My eyes shot open and there she was, sleeping soundly and peacefully. She was wrapped in my arms and I felt her breathing. I took this time to admire the beauty in my arms.

Her face read a soft, calm expression. Her lips..oh her plump and soft. All her features were so beautiful, even by the simplest things...I-I was..falling for her. Every time I looked at her, listen to her, touch her, my heart would beat and tug incontrollably as if it wanted more of her.

I felt my eyes getting heavier by the second. So I pulled Camila closer to me and started drawing shapes on her arm until I fell asleep once more.

Ugh. It was that noice again. I opened my eyes and scanned the room to see where it was coming from. It was a familiar sound. My phone. It was a feet away from the bed on the floor. must have fallen out my pocket. I tried to reach it without disturbing Camila or letting go of her. Because god forbid I wont let her go.

I scotted to the edge of the bed and reached with all my might for my phone. I felt my fingers tips barely touch it. I tried once more and to my luck it slid away. Great.

I stayed in that uncomfortable position, devastated. It still rang. I tried to untangle myself from Camila but she looked so peaceful , I could not. Also she had a grip on me...aweee. As I was about to give up and the phone kept ringing, I heard small footsteps getting closer. Im surprised Camila is still asleep. The small footsteos came to a halt and I saw the door crack open. It was a small figure. Sofia.

"Sofi, come here" I whispered, signaling for her to come. She made her way to my side of Camila's bed and she stood there, sleepy holding her stuffed dragon.
"Hi little princess, did my phone wake you up?" I whispered. She nodded her head and rubbed her eyes.

"Im sorry princess, I just need your help and then you can go to back sleep, yeah?" She nodded. "Okay, your sister wont let me go so i need your help" She giggled. "Kaki wont let you go but lets twy." "Okay im going to take her arms off me slowly and then you get in where i was , okay ?" She nodded.

As I took Camila's embrace off, I signaled Sofi to climb in bed. Once she did Camila snuggled up to her and Sofi giggled. I mouthed a 'thank you' to Sofi and I grabbed my phone and went to Camila's bathroom. I looked at my phone and it was Skylar, my boss/best friend.

S- "Y/n ?! Ive been calling you for 20 minutes now.?!"
Y- "Yeah, sorry I was..taking a shower and I didnt hear my phone, but whats up Sky?"
Wow taking a shower ? Nice one,Y/n.
S- "Well I have some important news for you and I was hoping to have you in my office at 5."
Y- "Thats all? Thats why you called at 6 in the morning for?!"
S- "Yes bitch and when do you shower this early ? Lying ass"
Y- "what unholy hours to have been awoken at by such creature"
S- "hey! Watch it , besides being your amazing, super hot best friend , I am still your boss ha! I can fire you!"
Y- "you wouldnt if you could"
S-" *sigh* unfortunately not , besides you told me to wake you up , ITS TUESDAY REMEMBER? YOU HAVE TO WORK!"
Y- "okay youre at a 12 I need you at a 4. Bye."

I looked at my phone and it was 6:30a.m. I have 30 minutes until I work. Just great. I walked out to Camila's bedroom to find the two sisters snuggling in peaceful sleep. I went over to both of them and kissed their cheek. "Get some rest cuties"


Ugh. I wont make it to my apartment and then to work in time. I ran in to Camila's bathroom and washed my face, i cant brush my teeth...but she has mouthwash thank god! My clothes. Im sure Mila wont mind if I borrow a shirt. I grabbed a black plain shirt and put it on. Everything else was a bit too girly for me.

6:50 a.m.

I NEED TO LEAVE NOW. But before I do , I'll leave Mila a little note for her not to worry , I wasnt there when she woke up. What? Its not like youre her girlfriend.....yet. No what ?! She probably only sees you as a frie- shut up head.
I wrote her a note, took my keys and ran for dear life to my car.

Lets see what this day has to bring.


Hi guys. Sorry for late and shitty updates. I needed some time to try fix somethings.... but yeah im back haha.

OMG thanks for 1k !! I appreaciate you all taking the time to read this even though its 👎

Idk comment x vote ????
I suck at this.

- lexuss

Changes (Lauren/You/Camila)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora