Best Breakfast Ever

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Nagisa's P.O.V

Relax Nagisa, She'll definitely like your cooking so don't worry.
I prepared the batter, I decided to make pancakes. I also started to cut some strawberries.
"Not a bad job, huh"
In the end I made teddy bear shaped pancakes and strawberries and chocolate syrup to go with it.

"Not a bad job, huh"In the end I made teddy bear shaped pancakes and strawberries and chocolate syrup to go with it

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I took the plates in my hand and sat on the table. Kayano's eyes immediately sparkled at the side of the food.
"Wow Nagisa!!! It looks delicious!" She said happily.
That's a smile I worked so hard for

She took a bite of the pancake and sighed in delight
"Mmm.....I didn't knew you were such a great cook!!"
"I'm glad that you liked it!"
"Really Nagisa, where did you learned to cook like that...."
" mom forced me to join cooking classes when I was young."
"Yeah, though I wanted to join soccer classes an-''
"I'm really glad that you did, Nagisa...cause if you didn't I wouldn't be able to eat it together with you like this.."
Dammit why does she have to be so cute!!! NOOO....BAD NAGISA SNAP OUT OF IT!!
"Heheh....thanks Kayano"
"No! I should be the one thanking you, you know ever since my sister died, I've been all alone so........... You know, this is after what seems like an eternity that someone close to me did something like this for me so..........Arigato Nagisa For The Best Start of My Day!!!"
"Kayano........" I wanted to say so much to her but words couldn't come out of my mouth.
"Oh I'm sorry, I made the mood gloomier....heheh"
"Kayano....nothing can be anything but cheerful and lively with that smile of yours..." She started to blush instantly.
We ate peacefully after that.

Kayano's P.O.V

After we finished eating I stood up from the chair.
"Hey Nagisa I'll wash the dishes so don't worry about it....."
"Uhh....I wouldn't trouble you, leave it to me."
"Aw~I'm offering to do it cause I want to." I said that and snatched the plates from Nagisa and made my way to the sink.

After finishing up I walked up to Nagisa.
"oh Kayano, you better get ready or else we may be late for school."
I went upstairs to his room and went to the bathroom, I took a quick shower and put my school uniform on back and fixed my hair.
I went down the stairs and Nagisa was waiting for me.
"I'm ready!" I said with a smile.
"well....let's get going, then."
I picked up my bag and started wearing my shoes. Nagisa opened the door and I went outside, I waited for him to finish locking up the door and we then walked to school together.
"So...Kayano, do you remember what happened to you yesterday"

Nagisa's P.O.V

I was worried about her condition so I asked her whether or not she remembered anything about yesterday.
"Umm....Not really, I remember that I dashed out of the classroom and I was wandering around in the mountains and suddenly I heard some sort of noise coming from the bushes.....that's all......"
"That's........maybe Koro-Sensei was right...."
"About What?"
"Oh it's nothing"
"Well if you say so......"
We reached the E classroom within 10 minutes. We entered the class and Karma was already there.
"Well well if it isn't Kayano and Nagisa"
"Oh! Good morning karma, how are you doing?" Kayano said it with her usual smile.
"More Importantly, How are YOU?"
"I'm fine now, thanks"
"That's not what I mean."
"What I meant was, did this little guy over here try to do something to you??"
"KARMA!!" I shouted.
I don't believe he said this in front of her.WAIT KAYANO WHY ARE YOU BLUSHING!!!! well....not that I mind.....
"Um......I don't know as I was unconscious"
"Bulls eye"
"No karma it's not like that......"
"Aw~ Nagisa it's so much fun to tease you"
At that time Kanzaki-San, Nakamura and Kurahashi walked in the class together.
"Oh hey Kayano! Glad to see you're okay, You know you got us pretty worried out there."
With that Kayano began chatting with her friends. I didn't realized that I was staring at her until Karma smacked me.
"Geez....What was That For!?"
"Hey Nagisa, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Hm? Sure!"

Hello everyone!! Thank you so Much for your love and support and yeah, English is not my first language so......if there's any grammatical mistake go ahead and point it out

What is it that Karma wants to to talk to Nagisa about......Will Nagisa ever find out what are these weird feelings he has when near Kayano........Find out in the next chapter A WORD OF ADVICE......ENJOY AND NAGIKAE FOREVER

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