Camping Night

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Kayano's P.O.V

I was at my home packing things for the camp when I heard my phone ringing.

"I wonder who it is?"
I made my way to the phone and checked the caller ID.


I answered the call.......

"Hey Kayano, it's me.....Nagisa"
"Yeah, what happened did you need something from me?"
"No, um....actually I was kinda worried about you because of those guys so.....uh... Do you want me to come pick you up?"


"Kayano, you there?"
"So.....can I"
"Are you sure it won't be a bother?"
"NO WAY! I'm asking you because I want to and I don't plan on hearing you refuse so I'll be there in half an hour, okay?"
"Thanks Nagisa...."
"I told you right, there's no need to thank me, see you!"
"See You!" I ended the call.

Why are you doing this Nagisa........if you keep on acting like this, I won't be able to give up.

Time skip to 20 minutes>~<

"All set!" I packed my stuff in a small bag which I could carry on my back. I checked myself in the mirror, I'm wearing a sky blue colored frilly dress and a baby pink shrug to go along with it, I'm also wearing a knee length pink legging and I also have cute sneakers to go with my outfit. My hair are in my usual style.

"It's about time" I went downstairs and started putting on my shoes. My door bell rang.

"He's here!!" I picked up my bag and ran towards the door.

Nagisa's P.O.V

I rang the door bell and she opened after a while. I found myself blushing.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"
"A-a-Ah it's no big deal um.........y-you look really pretty......"
"H-heh.....T-thanks" She replied while blushing.
"Well let's go then....."

I offered her my hand. She stared at it for a while while blushing and took it. We started walking.

Her hands are so soft, I don't wanna let go.........And now that I have realized my feelings, I won't.........EVER.

Kayano's P.O.V


"So Kayano are you excited?"
"Yeah! I can't wait to spend time with everybody!"

After a few minutes of walking the mountains came to view and I started running excitedly, Nagisa struggling to keep up with me.

"Hey Kayano! Slow down!" I heard him shout.
"No way! Just increase your speed and catch up with me. That is, if you can!" I giggled..
"Oookay Then..........BRING IT ON!!"

He increased his speed and was almost behind me. I started running faster and looked behind and Nagisa suddenly panicked.

"Kayano LOOK OUT !!"
"Huh?" I turned my head in the direction he was pointing to but I was too late, my foot stumbled on something and I fell, and Nagisa just on my trail, fell as well.

Nagisa's P.O.V

Man that was a hard fall.......

I opened my eyes to check up on Kayano and found out that our faces were way too close, then I realized that my hand was touching something squishy and soft. I tried to feel it and I realized my hand was on her......................Breast

"E-e-eep!!!!" Kayano shrieked and pushed me off of her.
"K-Kayano I-I-I'm sorry it wasn't on p-purpose"
"I-it's fine I should have looked where I was going" she replied.

The rest of the walk was filled with silence.......both of our faces red as a tomato.

Kayano's bigger than I expected...........NAGISA NO (slaps himself) YOUR DOING IT AGAIN, STOP IT NO........
BU- (SLAP!!) NO WAY!!!

We reached the 3-E building and everyone was already there.

"Oh here they are!" Nakamura said running up to us. Kanzaki and Kurahashi behind her.

"Kayano-san are you all right?" Kanzaki asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry" Kayano replied.
Suddenly Nakamura sneaked behind me and Kayano and pulled us close together.
"But my my Nagisa~ who would have thought you have this side to you. You should have seen him Kanzaki, how he saved his princess from those class A goons."

"Geez Nakamura stop it !!"
"Oh here you are, everyone's waiting for you" Kataoka came to get us.

"Hai!" Kayano replied and went off with the girls.
After making sure she was gone I started searching for Sugino and Karma. Luckily I found them not far away with Maehara-Kun chatting pleasantly or........maybe making some kind of bet.

The whole camping thing was fun. Koro-Sensei even turned the whole pool area into some kind of mini beach. After playing a while of volleyball with the guys, I spotted Kayano making a sand castle.

This is so like her.

I started making my way towards her, she noticed me and greeted me with a smile.
"Oh hey Nagisa!"
"Hey! Are you having fun?"
"Uhun! I had lots of fun. I even gave it a shot at swimming, well at first it was me floating in tube and Okajima taking pictures."

God damn you pervert ROT IN HELL!!!

"But then Rio-san started chasing Okuda and she came to me for shelter which made me loose my balance and I fell in water, and then Kataoka had to come save me.........Kayano pouted and I sweat dropped😅😅😅.

The rest of the day went on perfectly. We played many kinds of games and we even lit up a bonfire, roasted mushrooms!! Kayano was struggling with hers as it was too hot and then started crying. Kanzaki-san had to feed her to make her quiet.

Ooooh what I wouldn't do to be in her place.......

"Jealous now are we~" a certain red head took this opportunity to tease me.
"You're not making this easier, Karma"
"Well......just confess already Nagisa, wouldn't want your princess to be taken away from someone else now would you?"
"KANZAKI-SAN IS LESBIAN!?" My response made Karma sigh heavily.
Soon it was bed time but little did I know that Koro-Sensei had this planned out.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" The whole class shouted.

All right everyone that's all for today!! Hope you liked it, btw my fingers feel like shit writing non stop for so long.........So anyways the next chapter's gonna be SHARING BED!!! Now now don't go on thinking LEWD thoughts.......

Reader-chan~...............(takes out a knife.........ready to kill the author)

Author-chan~ FORGIVE ME MY FELLOW AUDIENCE.........🙇🙇🙇well.....gotta go now....

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