Problem Time

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Nagisa's P.O.V

"Aaah.....the weather's so nice.."
The day was perfect. Sun was shining, birds were chirping, and I was headed to the E-class.

After minutes of walking, I reached the mountain, and I saw Kayano.

"Hey Kayano!" I said running over to her.
"Good morning Nagisa! Beautiful day, isn't it?" She greeted me with a smile.
"Yeah, it is, so much that I don't want to study."
"Hehe.....Yeah....We all could use a break."
"Hey! I've got an Idea, since the weather is so nice and tomorrow is a saturday, why don't we all camp out here!?" I suggested excitedly.
"Wow! Nagisa that's a great idea! Let's talk it out with the others!" She replied with a wide grin on her face.

We reached the school building, when we entered the class everyone was chatting in a good mood. We told them about the camping idea and everyone agreed immediately and were all fired up about it.

"All right then, it's settled. After classes we're all gonna go home and pack our stuff and meet up here at 4:00 pm." Said Isogai.

Koro-Sensei came and announced the start of the class. We all asked for his permission.

"Nurufufufu..... A camp you say, I don't see why not. This can turn out a great experience for you."

"I can't wait for the classes to be over!" I said enthusiastically.
"Yeah me too!" Kayano replied

I hope I can get close to her, even a bit.

Time Skip ~ because I'm not interested in these boring lectures and failed assassination attempts..........

The bell rang signalling the end of classes.
We were all going down the mountain to our homes to pack our bags when suddenly some guys from the A-class showed up. We tried walking past them but they blocked our way

"Oo Oo.....what do we have here.....these low level E-class pests are trying to ignore those superior to them?"
Karma came in front and smirked at them.
"Well then may I ask what business you So-called superiors have with us. And please do make it quick because we have other more important things to deal with..."

"Why you....." One of the guys tried to punch him but Karma dodged it easily, but instead he pushed Kayano and she fell backwards.
"I'm sorry are you hurt ?"
"No I'm Fi-"
Before she could finish her sentence one of the guys pulled her by the hair.

"Hey! This one's a total cutie!!"

Kayano's P.O.V

"NO! LET ME GO!" I was struggling to free myself but his grip was really hard.
"YOU BASTARDS!" Karma tried punching the guy but the other 2 guys were defending him. The guy who was grabbing me suddenly took out a pocket knife and started playing around with it.

"HEY THAT'S DANGEROUS!" Isogai shouted at him.
"Dangerous now is it?" He bought the knife near my shirt and threatened to rip it open.

"No.....please don't" I starting crying.
"That's right !! Beg for mercy! Haha"

"How dare you......" Nagisa came forward and spoke in a deadly voice.
"heheh what's a worm like you gonna do?"

Nagisa started making his way to us and glared at them with eyes full of blood lust.

"N-Nagisa......." I murmured to myself
"Let her go, NOW"
"H-Hey....what's with that blood lust, we're in class A" They started trembling and Nagisa kept coming forward.
"I-If you took one step forward I swear I'm gonna"
Nagisa Ignored him and kept on making his way towards us. The guy made his grip on me even tighter and tore off one of my buttons.
I shouted and Nagisa's expression became even darker. He was standing right in front of us, suddenly he pulled a Nekodamashi on him. The guy immediately released me and ran for his life.
I didn't have any energy left in my body and I started falling, but before I could hit the ground, Nagisa wrapped his arms around me.

"Kayano are you Okay?"
"I-I'm Okay...." I didn't realized it yet but I was still crying. And Nagisa was running circles around my back.

"'s okay now....I'm here..."

I'm so happy that Nagisa's in my life. So happy that I.........Love Him.

Nagisa's P.O.V

"Thank you Nagisa"
"It's Okay Kayano, I'll come and save you a million times whenever you need me" I heard her giggle.

That's right, that's how it should be........... because you're my precious treasure.

So the next chapter is gonna be

A Nagikae Fanfic (Realized Feelings ) Where stories live. Discover now