The feeling

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After I dropped Selena I drive home. I get inside where I find all my family, my parents and my 8-year old sister. I smile at them. "Hey Ray, how was the 1st day of school?" my dad asks.

"Nothing special." I say walking up the stars to change my clothes. After I change I do my homeworks and automatically I weite Selena's name on my notebook. I'm deeply into her.

To be honest I've never felt this way about some girl. I really like her. Her black eyes are like daimonds, that girl really shot me down.

After I finish my homework I go downstairs to eat dinner.

Like always I get my plate and go upstairs to eat on my bed where I watch TV or play PlayStation. It's not good but they think I'm still doing my homework so.

I get a text from Harry.

"Yo, Ray!"


"Where were you after school?"

"I had to drive Selena home man, why?"

"We went to play football after school. Wait, who"

"I'm sorry I didn't know. The new girl. She's called Selena."

"You drove her home, you didn't do anything.."

"She needed a ride, that's all. What's up?"

"Hey I'm home alone, mind if I come over? It's scary when I'm all alone in this big house."

"Sure, the door's open".

It's 9:30PM and I'm still thinking about her. What does she think of me. Does she like me. She seemed nervous in my car. What if she wasn't asleep. What if she just acted that way. I'm really in love with her.

Selena's POV

I wake up at my house at the couch. My dad's sitting next to me. I ask quietly "When did I get here?"

"Some guy drove you home. Wait, Ray" he responds in a way which really confuses me.

Oh my God Rayy. Totally forgot about that. I turn all red and I don't know what to say because dad seems to have met Ray and idk, it's weird and so embarrassing.

"Ow, Ray. Yeah I remember?" I say with my alseep look on my face.

"The 1st day of school and you come back home with a guy?" my mom asked from the kitchen.

"I think the boy was just being nice." My dad says.

"Yeah, matter of fact he was the only one who was welcoming."

"I'm going upstairs to change my clothes and do my homeworks." I say walking up the steps.

I get to my bedroom, change my clothes and lay in my bed. I checked my phone and see dad's called, and I've answered?! OMG It had to be Ray. No he didn't. OMG what have they talked about. It must have not been anything bad considering the fact that dad said he was being nice. Anyway ...

I finish my homeworks quickly and turn my laptop on and check my Facebook. I have like 35 friend requests. Most of them are students I had class with today. I accept them but I don't see Ray's name. Weird. Maybe he doesn't use Facebook at all.

I scroll down, when suddenly I see Ray's name and picture on the right at "People you may know". Should I send him a friends request? No, he'll think I like him. But it's true, I do like him. I send it.

I wait but he's not accepting it. I don't know why I'm spending so much time on his profile. I'm seeing all his photos. He's super cute, his photos are amazingly funny. I'm really enjoying looking at them.

My mom tells me "Dinner's readyy!"

"I'm coming." I let the laptop open because I'm gonna be back soon.

While I'm eating dinner my younger sister comes yelling "Selly has a boyfriend, Selly has a boyfriend!"with the laptop on her hands with Ray's picture on it.

"Selena? I think you do have an explonation for this." Says mom.

"It's nothing, I was just checking my friend requests on Facebook."


"What dad?"

"He drove you home. You sure there's nothing going on between you and Ray?"

"Absolutely!" I say in a precise way.

"Just be careful honey" Mom says.

"Of course, am I not always?"

"Of course you are."


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