Can you tell me more?

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Ray's POV

I wake up really softly this morning. It's Sunday and like every other Sundays everything is so quiet in my house. Everybody wants to rest.

I go downstairs I holler at my parents I grab a cup of coffee and I sit on my doorsteps throwing my eyes at the neighborhood.

I play "Today was a good day" by Ice Cube on my iPhone. I do this on Sundays mostly. It kind of helps me start the day in a good mood.

Everything seems so relaxing. I see a text from Harry "Where you been man? Haven't seen you in days"

He's right. I've been focused so much on Selena these days. I'll call him and Edward later.

While I'm enjoying my cup of coffee the neighborhood looks so nice. A few kids playing some ball, an old couple taking a walk and I spot Debbie throwing the trash. I say Hi to her.

Debbie: "Hey Ray! How are ya?"

Me: "Hey Debbie what's up?"

Debbie: "Housework, don't ask."

Me: "Want a cup of coffee?"

She comes without a doubt. It's like she was waiting for someone to ask her that lol.

I go inside and bring her a cup of coffee.

Me: "So what's been up?"

Debbie: "Ugh, work. Gotta work for at least two other months to get some money so I can pay the college fee."

She works at a bakery.

Me: "I feel you, shit's hard. You know my parents have told you a couple of times if you really need that money we can land you some money."

Debbie: "I really appreciate this but I really want to do this on my own. What's up with you?"

Me: "Nothing special really. The usuals."

Debbie: "Well, does your new girlfriend takes part in the usuals?"

Me: "How'd you know about that?" Laughing

Debbie: "I saw you with a girl last night at the park."

Me: "Yeah she's cool. We're together for only a couple of weeks."

Debbie: "Oh boys this age fly sooooo bad."

I don't know what she meant really but, she's three years older by the way.

Debbie: "I gotta go now, tons of housework to do. I needed that coffee. Bye Ray and thanks."

Me: "No worries, anytime."

A couple of hours pass and I call Selena. Had a really weird time with her last night.

Me: "Mornin love."

Selena: "Hey honey. What are you doing?"

Me: "Nothing really. What about you?"

Selena: "I'm studying for tomorrow. School stuff."

Me: "Oh you studying. Yeah right."

Selena: "Yeah Emily is coming over and we'll study together."

Me: "Who's Emily?"

Selena: "Is a girl at our school. A friend of mine. She's a good student."

Me: "Never heard of her. I don't know any Emily."

Selena: "Anyway, so what are you doing today?"

Me: "I'm probably going to meet Ed and Harry. Haven't seen them in a few days, I don't know what's up with them."

Selena: "Yeah honey you should do that, definitely."

Me: "Yeah so I'm letting you study baby. I'm going now. Talk to you later. I love you"

Selena: "Okay honey. Bye. Love you too."

Selena's POV

Ray hangs up and I go back to my books. My terrible books.

I can't wait for Emily to come. She's the only girl I've invited since I moved here.

The door bells. I open and she comes inside. I introduce her to my family and we go in my room to start talking and studying.

We talk about some random stuff until she mentions my boyfriend's name.

Emily: "So are you two together?"

"Yeah we're together." I say smiling.

Emily: "I'm so happy for you. Ray is probably the coolest and the cutest guy of our school."

I blush.

Me: "He is? I don't know because I just moved here. You've been here for a long time. You know more."

Emily: "Yeah I think he's that kind of guy everyone wants to have a friend like."

I really start enjoying this conversation.

Me: "I'm surprised. I mean he's so nice with me and everything but I don't think I know much about him."

Emily: "He's kinda famous in our school. Done some things with his friends."

Me: "Oh my God really? Can you tell me anything else about him? I'm really enjoying this, I mean, he's my boyfriend. If it not bothers you of course." I say chuckling.

Emily: "Yeah sure ... I remember once ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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